Betty Neuman
System Model in Nursing Practice
(1924 - present)
“Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts
Neuman considers health as dynamic in nature in which the person’s health is as the level of health continuum—wellness or illness.
The environment can be an internal and external.
Stressors are the forces created by the environment. Stressors are tensions that produce alterations in the normal flow of the environment. These stressors can be:
1. Intrapersonal - occurs within the self and comprises of man as a psycho-spiritual being
2. Interpersonal - occurs between one or more individual and consists of man as a social being
3. Extrapersonal - occurs outside the individual and may include environmental factors
System Model in Nursing Practice
B. Secondary prevention – focuses on helping alleviate the actual existing effects of an action that altered the balance of health. It aims to reduce environmental influences that cause an alteration in the stability of the client. Ex. Early diseases detection and prompt treatment.
C. Tertiary prevention – focuses on the actual treatments or adjustments to facilitate strengthening of person after being exposed to stressor. Aims to prevent regression and recurrence of the disease. Ex. Rehabilitation
8. Reconstitution
A state of returning back to old health self.
1. Holistic approach in the care of the patients.
1. Effective in conceptual transition among all levels of nursing education.
2. Basis for continuing education after graduation facilitating professional growth.
3. Validate nursing roles and activities and its applicability beyond nursing practice.
1. Widely used framework used in nursing research that guides enhancement of nursing care.
1. It is simple for people especially health/medical related professionals whom can understand the concepts of health continuum.
1. Applicable in any health care settings.
2. The theory is comprehensive and adaptable.
Emperical Precision
1. Utilizes empiricism, wherein the theory is testable by mere use of observation.
1. Congruent with traditional nursing values.
2. Consistent with other non-nursing theories.
Derivable Consequences
1. Introduction of the nursing process (assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation)
2. Provides guidelines for professional nurses.
Because the model is flexible and adaptable to a wide range of groups and situations, people have used the model globally, and for more than two decades. Neuman’s first book, The Neuman Systems Model: Application to Nursing Education and Practice, was published in 1982 as a response to requests for data and support in applying the model. Neuman published two additional editions of the book, with the third edition published in 1995 in response to expanded use of the model globally. The third edition includes applications of the Neuman Systems Model to nursing education, practice, administration, and research.
Application of the Neuman Systems Model to Nursing Education
In the 1980s exploration and use of the model greatly accelerated in education at all levels of practice in varied settings. These settings include the United States and locations such as Canada, Europe, Australia, and the Far East. There are many schools of nursing in the United States that have chosen to use the Neuman Systems Model as a curriculum framework or for selected courses. Most schools surveyed indicated reasons they chose the Neuman model. Generally, the reason for choosing the model was consistency with the school in one or more of the following areas: the school’s beliefs; philosophy; and concepts of humans, health, nursing, and environment. Associate degree nursing programs that have used the model include Athens Area Technical Institute, Athens, Georgia; Cecil Community College, North East, Maryland; Central Florida Community College, Ocala, Florida; Los Angeles County Medical Center School of Nursing, Los Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys, California; Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, Florida; and Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima, Washington.
Baccalaureate nursing programs that have used the model include California State University, Fresno; Indiana University; Indianapolis; Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana; University of Tennessee; and the University of Texas, Tyler. Gustavus Adolphus College, and St. Peter and St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, also have used the model.
Educational programs in the United States reported benefits with using the model. The model (1) facilitated cultural considerations in the curriculum related to the populations the schools and graduates served, (2) provided a nursing focus as opposed to medical focus, (3) included the concept of clients as holistic beings, (4) allowed flexibility in arrangement of content and conceptualization of program needs, (5) was comprehensive and facilitated seeing the person as composites of the five variables, (6) provided a framework to study individual illness and reaction to stressors, (7) was broad enough to allow educational programs to consider family as the context within which individuals live or as the unit of care, and (8) considered the created environment. Education programs have developed evaluation instruments to determine the effects of using the model as a framework for nursing knowledge.
The primary instrument that is cited in the nursing literature is the Lowry-Jopp Neuman Model Evaluation Instrument. This instrument was developed and used to evaluate the efficacy of using the model at Cecil Community College. The results of a five-year longitudinal study showed that the graduates used the model most of the time when fulfilling roles of care provider and teacher. All classes in the study claimed colleagues rarely knew, accepted, or encouraged model use. Therefore, colleagues in work settings tended to have a negative effect on the use of models. The model is also being used internationally. Craig reported on the experiences of 10 educational institutions in Canada that represent six Canadian provinces. These institutions include the University of Saskatchewan, University of Prince Edward Island, University of Calgary, Brandon University of New Brunswick, Université de Moncton, University of Western Ontario, University of Windsor, Okanagan College, University of Toronto, and University of Ottawa.
Model strengths were reported by educational institutions in Canada. The holistic approach that addressed levels of prevention guided the student to focus on the client in his or her own environment. The model also assisted the student to carry out in-depth assessments, to categorize comprehensive data, and to plan specific interventions with the client. The students did report some difficulty in understanding the complexity of the model, and the developmental and spiritual variables. The students reported that it was not always easy to differentiate between the lines of defense and resistance, or to assess the degree of stressor penetration.
The Neuman Model is also being used in educational institutions in South Australia, the United Kingdom, and Sweden. McCulloch reported that a survey of all Australian university programs showed that four undergraduate programs used the model as the major organizational curriculum framework, and another 16 programs introduced undergraduate and postgraduate students to the Neuman Model as one of several models. Vaughan and Gough found that many nursing and midwifery students chose to use the model in their own practice in the United Kingdom. They also reported that Avon and Gloucestershire College of Health used the model as the guiding principle behind curriculum development for child care. Engberg reported that most colleges throughout Sweden use the Neuman Systems Model as the theoretical framework in the module of primary health in nursing education.
Application of the Neuman Systems Model to Nursing Practice
The Neuman Systems Model is being used in diverse practice settings. In the United States, the model is used to guide practice with clients with cognitive impairment, meeting family needs of clients in critical care; to provide stable support groups for parents with infants in neonatal intensive care units; and to meet the needs of home caregivers, with emphasis on clients with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and head traumas. The model is used in psychiatric nursing, gerontological nursing, perinatal nursing, and occupational health nursing. Internationally, the model is being used in Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Nether- lands, New Zealand, Australia, Jordan, Israel, Slovenia, and several East Asian countries (e.g., Japan, Korea, and Taiwan). Practice areas include community/ public health care.
Nursing Administration and the Neuman Systems Model
The Neuman Systems Model has been used in diverse nursing administration settings in the United States. These settings include a community nursing center, psychiatric hospital, a continuing care retirement community, and Oklahoma State Public Health Nursing. Poole and Flowers demonstrated how the model is used in case management of pregnant substance abusers. Kelley and Sanders presented an assessment tool that intertwines the management process, the Neuman Systems Model, and environmental dimensions. Walker demonstrated how the model and total quality management are used to prepare health-care administrators for the future.
Nursing Research and the Neuman Systems Model
Gigliotti acknowledged that the Neuman Model’s use as a guide in directing nursing education and clinical practice has received much national and international attention. However, the model’s use as a guide to nursing research and the generation of nursing theory based on the research is in the early stages of development, although growing. In order to facilitate the use of nursing research with the Neuman Systems Model, Meleis has elaborated on principles and approaches that may be used to develop a futuristic agenda to validate the Neuman Systems Theory. Fawcett has offered guidelines for constructing Neuman Systems Model–based studies. Neuman revisited these guidelines in her 1996 article in Nursing Science Quarterly. She acknowledged that the Neuman model has guided a range of study designs, from qualitative descriptions of relevant phenomena to quantitative experiments that tested the effects of prevention interventions on a variety of client-system outcomes. She provided numerous examples of descriptive studies, correlational research, and experimental and quasi-experimental studies. Neuman elaborated on how to construct Neuman Model–based research. Smith and Edgil have proposed a plan for testing middle-range theories with the model. Their plan involved the creation of an Institute for the Study of the Model to formulate and test theories through collaboration, including interdisciplinary as well as multi-site efforts. They suggested directions for the work to be done, an organizing structure, and a task analysis of what and who would be appropriate to participate in task completion. Breckenridge has actually used the Neuman model to develop a middle-range theory based on nephrology practice. Gigliotti has identified conceptual and empirical concerns imposed upon her when she operationalized Neuman’s lines of defense and resistance in her research. She concluded that the Neuman Model offers an excellent and comprehensive framework from which to view the metaconcepts relevant to the discipline of nursing: person, environment, health, and nursing. Gigliotti says it is time to institute the comprehensive research program proposed by Smith and Edgil.
Projections For Use Of The Model In The Twenty-First Century
Neuman believes her model is “both concept and process relevant as a directive toward nursing and other health care activities in the challenging 21st Century”. This model has been used to make projections about the future of nursing and health care. Procter and Cheek and Tomlinson and Anderson provided two examples of this use. Procter and Cheek used the model to project the role of the nurse in world catastrophic events, and Tomlinson and Anderson used the model to project family health as a system. Procter and Cheek studied experiences of Serbian Australians at the time of the civil war in the former Yugoslavia using the Neuman Systems Model to understand the experiences. As a result of the study, the researchers came up with implications for the role of nursing in world catastrophic events. The researchers suggested the goal of nursing in such worldwide events should be to assist individuals and communities to retain maximum wellness and system stability as they strive for a sense of inner peace and contentment against impossible odds.
Tomlinson and Anderson recognized that there is an increasing focus on the family system as a health entity. They acknowledged, however, that there is not a universally accepted definition of “family health” as a systems phenomenon. Tomlinson and Anderson proposed that the nurse who uses the broad concepts of the Neuman Model along with a shared family health systems perspective, in which the whole family is the client in the health promotion enterprise, will be well prepared to meet future nursing challenges.
The Neuman Systems Model has been used for over 2 decades; first as a teaching tool and later as a conceptual model to observe and interpret the phenomena of nursing and health care globally. Dr. Neuman wrote: “The future of the Neuman Systems Model looks bright.” She believes her model can readily accommodate future changes in health care delivery. The reader has been introduced to the model and some of the global applications of the model.
System Model in Nursing Practice
(1924 - present)
“Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts
are in harmony with the whole of the client.”
Life Story
Betty Neuman was born in 1924 on a farm near Lowell, Ohio.
Her father was a farmer and her mother was a home maker. She grew up in the rural Ohio where she developed love for the land and her compassion for people in need.
1947, Neumans initial nursing education was completed with double honors at People's Hospital School of Nursing (now General Hospital) in Akron, Ohio.
She then moved to Los Angeles to live with relatives in California, she worked in variety of nursing roles that include hospital staff and head nurse, school nurse, and industrial nurse.
She was also involved in clinical teaching in University of Southern California Medical Center, Los Angeles in the areas of medical surgical, communicable disease and critical care.
She had always been interested in human behavior.
She attended the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) with a double major in Public Health and Psychology. She completed her Baccalaureate Degree with Honors in Nursing in 1957.
A very supportive and loving wife who helped established and managed her husband's medical practice.
1966, she received her Master's Degree in Mental Health, Public Health Consultation from UCLA.
1985, She- received a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology from Pacific Western University in 1985.
Neuman and Donna Aquilina were the first two nurses to develop the nurse counselor role within Los Angeles based community crisis centers.
She developed her first explicit teaching and practice model for mental health consultation m the late 1960s before the creation of her systems model. Neuman was a pioneer of nursing involvement in mental health. She developed taught, and refined a community mental health program for postmasters level nurses at UCLA.
Her father was a farmer and her mother was a home maker. She grew up in the rural Ohio where she developed love for the land and her compassion for people in need.
1947, Neumans initial nursing education was completed with double honors at People's Hospital School of Nursing (now General Hospital) in Akron, Ohio.
She then moved to Los Angeles to live with relatives in California, she worked in variety of nursing roles that include hospital staff and head nurse, school nurse, and industrial nurse.
She was also involved in clinical teaching in University of Southern California Medical Center, Los Angeles in the areas of medical surgical, communicable disease and critical care.
She had always been interested in human behavior.
She attended the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) with a double major in Public Health and Psychology. She completed her Baccalaureate Degree with Honors in Nursing in 1957.
A very supportive and loving wife who helped established and managed her husband's medical practice.
1966, she received her Master's Degree in Mental Health, Public Health Consultation from UCLA.
1985, She- received a Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology from Pacific Western University in 1985.
Neuman and Donna Aquilina were the first two nurses to develop the nurse counselor role within Los Angeles based community crisis centers.
She developed her first explicit teaching and practice model for mental health consultation m the late 1960s before the creation of her systems model. Neuman was a pioneer of nursing involvement in mental health. She developed taught, and refined a community mental health program for postmasters level nurses at UCLA.
Books and Publications
Neuman designed a conceptual model for nursing in 1970 in response to request from UCLA graduate students who wanted a course emphasizing breadth rather than depth in understanding the variables in nursing. Initially, the model was developed to integrate students' understanding of client variables that extend nursing beyond the medical model. The Neuman model included such behavioral science concepts as problem identification and prevention. Neuman first published her model in 1972.
She spent the following decade further defining and refining various aspects of the model in preparation for her book, the Neuman System Model: Application to Nursing Education and Practice. Further development and revisions of the model are illustrated in the second (1989) and third (1995) editions. Neuman stated that the fourth edition will offer an integrative review of use of the model with guidelines for application of the model in practice, research, education and administration.
Neuman designed a conceptual model for nursing in 1970 in response to request from UCLA graduate students who wanted a course emphasizing breadth rather than depth in understanding the variables in nursing. Initially, the model was developed to integrate students' understanding of client variables that extend nursing beyond the medical model. The Neuman model included such behavioral science concepts as problem identification and prevention. Neuman first published her model in 1972.
She spent the following decade further defining and refining various aspects of the model in preparation for her book, the Neuman System Model: Application to Nursing Education and Practice. Further development and revisions of the model are illustrated in the second (1989) and third (1995) editions. Neuman stated that the fourth edition will offer an integrative review of use of the model with guidelines for application of the model in practice, research, education and administration.
She is a Fellow of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.
She contuse in active, private practice as a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist, with an emphasis on Christian Counseling. Neuman lives in Ohio and maintains a leadership role as Director of Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group, Inc. until 2009.
She serves as a consultant internationally for nursing schools theory-based practice.
Theoretical Sources
She contuse in active, private practice as a licensed clinical marriage and family therapist, with an emphasis on Christian Counseling. Neuman lives in Ohio and maintains a leadership role as Director of Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group, Inc. until 2009.
She serves as a consultant internationally for nursing schools theory-based practice.
Theoretical Sources
1. Gestalt theory - homeostasis process.
2. Marx - properties of parts are determined partly by the larger wholes.
3. de Chardin - philosophy of wholeness of life.
4. Han Selye - General Adaptation Syndrome and Stress Theory.
5. Caplan - prevention levels of nursing.
Metaparadigm in Nursing
- the concept of a whole person and an open system approach.
The concept is aimed towards the development of a person in a state of wellness having the capacity to function optimally by adaptation with environmental stimuli causing illnesses back to a state of wellness
- the concept of a whole person and an open system approach.
The concept is aimed towards the development of a person in a state of wellness having the capacity to function optimally by adaptation with environmental stimuli causing illnesses back to a state of wellness
Neuman believes that nursing requires a holistic approach that considers all factors affecting a client's health—physical, physiological, psychological, mental, social, cultural, developmental and spiritual well-being.
Neuman regarded the concept of a person as an individual family community or the society.
She sees a person as an open system that works together with other parts of its body as it interact with the environment.
Neuman believes that nursing requires a holistic approach that considers all factors affecting a client's health—physical, physiological, psychological, mental, social, cultural, developmental and spiritual well-being.
Neuman regarded the concept of a person as an individual family community or the society.
She sees a person as an open system that works together with other parts of its body as it interact with the environment.
Open system is characterized by the presence of an exchange of information and
reaction with other factors surrounding a person.
Neuman considers health as dynamic in nature in which the person’s health is as the level of health continuum—wellness or illness.
Wellness exists when all the part or system of person works harmoniously.
The environment can be an internal and external.
Stressors are the forces created by the environment. Stressors are tensions that produce alterations in the normal flow of the environment. These stressors can be:
1. Intrapersonal - occurs within the self and comprises of man as a psycho-spiritual being
2. Interpersonal - occurs between one or more individual and consists of man as a social being
3. Extrapersonal - occurs outside the individual and may include environmental factors
System Model in Nursing Practice
1. Client Variables
- physiological, sociocultural developmental and spiritual—function to achieve stability in relation to the environmental stressors experienced by the client.
2. Lines of Resistance
- acts when the Normal Line of Defense is invaded by too much stressor causing alteration in the normal health pattern to facilitate coping and overcome the stressors that are present within the individual.
3. Normal Line of Defense
- acts in coordination with the normal wellness state. It is the normal reaction of the client in response to stress – the baseline determinants of wellness within the health continuum.
4. Flexible Line of Defense
- helps the body to adjust to situations that threaten the imbalance within the client's stability.
5. Stressors
Stressors are forces that produce tensions, alterations or potential problems causing instability within the clients system.
6. Reaction
Reactions are the outcomes or produced results of certain stressors and actions of the lines resistance of a client. It can be positive or negative depending on the degree of reaction the client produces to adjust and adapt with the situation.
a. Negentropy is set towards stability or wellness
b. Egentropy is set towards disorganization of the system producing illness
7. Prevention
Prevention is used to attain balance within the continuum of health
Three Levels of Prevention according to this theory:
A. Primary prevention – focuses on foreseeing the result of an act or situation and preventing its unnecessary effects as possible. It also aims to strengthen the capacity of a person to maintain an optimum level of functioning while being interactive with the environment. Ex. health promotion and disease prevention.
2. Lines of Resistance
- acts when the Normal Line of Defense is invaded by too much stressor causing alteration in the normal health pattern to facilitate coping and overcome the stressors that are present within the individual.
3. Normal Line of Defense
- acts in coordination with the normal wellness state. It is the normal reaction of the client in response to stress – the baseline determinants of wellness within the health continuum.
4. Flexible Line of Defense
- helps the body to adjust to situations that threaten the imbalance within the client's stability.
5. Stressors
Stressors are forces that produce tensions, alterations or potential problems causing instability within the clients system.
6. Reaction
Reactions are the outcomes or produced results of certain stressors and actions of the lines resistance of a client. It can be positive or negative depending on the degree of reaction the client produces to adjust and adapt with the situation.
a. Negentropy is set towards stability or wellness
b. Egentropy is set towards disorganization of the system producing illness
7. Prevention
Prevention is used to attain balance within the continuum of health
Three Levels of Prevention according to this theory:
A. Primary prevention – focuses on foreseeing the result of an act or situation and preventing its unnecessary effects as possible. It also aims to strengthen the capacity of a person to maintain an optimum level of functioning while being interactive with the environment. Ex. health promotion and disease prevention.
B. Secondary prevention – focuses on helping alleviate the actual existing effects of an action that altered the balance of health. It aims to reduce environmental influences that cause an alteration in the stability of the client. Ex. Early diseases detection and prompt treatment.
C. Tertiary prevention – focuses on the actual treatments or adjustments to facilitate strengthening of person after being exposed to stressor. Aims to prevent regression and recurrence of the disease. Ex. Rehabilitation
8. Reconstitution
A state of returning back to old health self.
1. Holistic approach in the care of the patients.
1. Effective in conceptual transition among all levels of nursing education.
2. Basis for continuing education after graduation facilitating professional growth.
3. Validate nursing roles and activities and its applicability beyond nursing practice.
1. Widely used framework used in nursing research that guides enhancement of nursing care.
1. It is simple for people especially health/medical related professionals whom can understand the concepts of health continuum.
1. Applicable in any health care settings.
2. The theory is comprehensive and adaptable.
Emperical Precision
1. Utilizes empiricism, wherein the theory is testable by mere use of observation.
1. Congruent with traditional nursing values.
2. Consistent with other non-nursing theories.
Derivable Consequences
1. Introduction of the nursing process (assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation)
2. Provides guidelines for professional nurses.
Octaviano, E.F. & Balita, C.E. (2008). Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: The Philippine Perspective. Philippines: Ultimate Learning Series, 101-107.
Tomey, A.M. & Alligood, M.R. (2002). Nursing Theorists and Their Work. 5th ed. Missouri: Mosby, 299-316.
Journal Reading
Because the model is flexible and adaptable to a wide range of groups and situations, people have used the model globally, and for more than two decades. Neuman’s first book, The Neuman Systems Model: Application to Nursing Education and Practice, was published in 1982 as a response to requests for data and support in applying the model. Neuman published two additional editions of the book, with the third edition published in 1995 in response to expanded use of the model globally. The third edition includes applications of the Neuman Systems Model to nursing education, practice, administration, and research.
Application of the Neuman Systems Model to Nursing Education
In the 1980s exploration and use of the model greatly accelerated in education at all levels of practice in varied settings. These settings include the United States and locations such as Canada, Europe, Australia, and the Far East. There are many schools of nursing in the United States that have chosen to use the Neuman Systems Model as a curriculum framework or for selected courses. Most schools surveyed indicated reasons they chose the Neuman model. Generally, the reason for choosing the model was consistency with the school in one or more of the following areas: the school’s beliefs; philosophy; and concepts of humans, health, nursing, and environment. Associate degree nursing programs that have used the model include Athens Area Technical Institute, Athens, Georgia; Cecil Community College, North East, Maryland; Central Florida Community College, Ocala, Florida; Los Angeles County Medical Center School of Nursing, Los Angeles Valley College, Van Nuys, California; Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, Florida; and Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima, Washington.
Baccalaureate nursing programs that have used the model include California State University, Fresno; Indiana University; Indianapolis; Purdue University, Fort Wayne, Indiana; University of Tennessee; and the University of Texas, Tyler. Gustavus Adolphus College, and St. Peter and St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota, also have used the model.
Educational programs in the United States reported benefits with using the model. The model (1) facilitated cultural considerations in the curriculum related to the populations the schools and graduates served, (2) provided a nursing focus as opposed to medical focus, (3) included the concept of clients as holistic beings, (4) allowed flexibility in arrangement of content and conceptualization of program needs, (5) was comprehensive and facilitated seeing the person as composites of the five variables, (6) provided a framework to study individual illness and reaction to stressors, (7) was broad enough to allow educational programs to consider family as the context within which individuals live or as the unit of care, and (8) considered the created environment. Education programs have developed evaluation instruments to determine the effects of using the model as a framework for nursing knowledge.
The primary instrument that is cited in the nursing literature is the Lowry-Jopp Neuman Model Evaluation Instrument. This instrument was developed and used to evaluate the efficacy of using the model at Cecil Community College. The results of a five-year longitudinal study showed that the graduates used the model most of the time when fulfilling roles of care provider and teacher. All classes in the study claimed colleagues rarely knew, accepted, or encouraged model use. Therefore, colleagues in work settings tended to have a negative effect on the use of models. The model is also being used internationally. Craig reported on the experiences of 10 educational institutions in Canada that represent six Canadian provinces. These institutions include the University of Saskatchewan, University of Prince Edward Island, University of Calgary, Brandon University of New Brunswick, Université de Moncton, University of Western Ontario, University of Windsor, Okanagan College, University of Toronto, and University of Ottawa.
Model strengths were reported by educational institutions in Canada. The holistic approach that addressed levels of prevention guided the student to focus on the client in his or her own environment. The model also assisted the student to carry out in-depth assessments, to categorize comprehensive data, and to plan specific interventions with the client. The students did report some difficulty in understanding the complexity of the model, and the developmental and spiritual variables. The students reported that it was not always easy to differentiate between the lines of defense and resistance, or to assess the degree of stressor penetration.
The Neuman Model is also being used in educational institutions in South Australia, the United Kingdom, and Sweden. McCulloch reported that a survey of all Australian university programs showed that four undergraduate programs used the model as the major organizational curriculum framework, and another 16 programs introduced undergraduate and postgraduate students to the Neuman Model as one of several models. Vaughan and Gough found that many nursing and midwifery students chose to use the model in their own practice in the United Kingdom. They also reported that Avon and Gloucestershire College of Health used the model as the guiding principle behind curriculum development for child care. Engberg reported that most colleges throughout Sweden use the Neuman Systems Model as the theoretical framework in the module of primary health in nursing education.
Application of the Neuman Systems Model to Nursing Practice
The Neuman Systems Model is being used in diverse practice settings. In the United States, the model is used to guide practice with clients with cognitive impairment, meeting family needs of clients in critical care; to provide stable support groups for parents with infants in neonatal intensive care units; and to meet the needs of home caregivers, with emphasis on clients with cancer, HIV/AIDS, and head traumas. The model is used in psychiatric nursing, gerontological nursing, perinatal nursing, and occupational health nursing. Internationally, the model is being used in Canada, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Nether- lands, New Zealand, Australia, Jordan, Israel, Slovenia, and several East Asian countries (e.g., Japan, Korea, and Taiwan). Practice areas include community/ public health care.
Nursing Administration and the Neuman Systems Model
The Neuman Systems Model has been used in diverse nursing administration settings in the United States. These settings include a community nursing center, psychiatric hospital, a continuing care retirement community, and Oklahoma State Public Health Nursing. Poole and Flowers demonstrated how the model is used in case management of pregnant substance abusers. Kelley and Sanders presented an assessment tool that intertwines the management process, the Neuman Systems Model, and environmental dimensions. Walker demonstrated how the model and total quality management are used to prepare health-care administrators for the future.
Nursing Research and the Neuman Systems Model
Gigliotti acknowledged that the Neuman Model’s use as a guide in directing nursing education and clinical practice has received much national and international attention. However, the model’s use as a guide to nursing research and the generation of nursing theory based on the research is in the early stages of development, although growing. In order to facilitate the use of nursing research with the Neuman Systems Model, Meleis has elaborated on principles and approaches that may be used to develop a futuristic agenda to validate the Neuman Systems Theory. Fawcett has offered guidelines for constructing Neuman Systems Model–based studies. Neuman revisited these guidelines in her 1996 article in Nursing Science Quarterly. She acknowledged that the Neuman model has guided a range of study designs, from qualitative descriptions of relevant phenomena to quantitative experiments that tested the effects of prevention interventions on a variety of client-system outcomes. She provided numerous examples of descriptive studies, correlational research, and experimental and quasi-experimental studies. Neuman elaborated on how to construct Neuman Model–based research. Smith and Edgil have proposed a plan for testing middle-range theories with the model. Their plan involved the creation of an Institute for the Study of the Model to formulate and test theories through collaboration, including interdisciplinary as well as multi-site efforts. They suggested directions for the work to be done, an organizing structure, and a task analysis of what and who would be appropriate to participate in task completion. Breckenridge has actually used the Neuman model to develop a middle-range theory based on nephrology practice. Gigliotti has identified conceptual and empirical concerns imposed upon her when she operationalized Neuman’s lines of defense and resistance in her research. She concluded that the Neuman Model offers an excellent and comprehensive framework from which to view the metaconcepts relevant to the discipline of nursing: person, environment, health, and nursing. Gigliotti says it is time to institute the comprehensive research program proposed by Smith and Edgil.
Projections For Use Of The Model In The Twenty-First Century
Neuman believes her model is “both concept and process relevant as a directive toward nursing and other health care activities in the challenging 21st Century”. This model has been used to make projections about the future of nursing and health care. Procter and Cheek and Tomlinson and Anderson provided two examples of this use. Procter and Cheek used the model to project the role of the nurse in world catastrophic events, and Tomlinson and Anderson used the model to project family health as a system. Procter and Cheek studied experiences of Serbian Australians at the time of the civil war in the former Yugoslavia using the Neuman Systems Model to understand the experiences. As a result of the study, the researchers came up with implications for the role of nursing in world catastrophic events. The researchers suggested the goal of nursing in such worldwide events should be to assist individuals and communities to retain maximum wellness and system stability as they strive for a sense of inner peace and contentment against impossible odds.
Tomlinson and Anderson recognized that there is an increasing focus on the family system as a health entity. They acknowledged, however, that there is not a universally accepted definition of “family health” as a systems phenomenon. Tomlinson and Anderson proposed that the nurse who uses the broad concepts of the Neuman Model along with a shared family health systems perspective, in which the whole family is the client in the health promotion enterprise, will be well prepared to meet future nursing challenges.
The Neuman Systems Model has been used for over 2 decades; first as a teaching tool and later as a conceptual model to observe and interpret the phenomena of nursing and health care globally. Dr. Neuman wrote: “The future of the Neuman Systems Model looks bright.” She believes her model can readily accommodate future changes in health care delivery. The reader has been introduced to the model and some of the global applications of the model.
Parker, M.E. (2001). Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 338-341.
1 – 200 of 295 Newer› Newest»Betty Neuman gave importance to the caring of the patients by giving such explanation how the whole system of the patient, affects his/her health.
the nurses are responsible of the social, mental, spiritual,physical and emotional state of being of a patient.
thank you ma'am for another wonderful discussion.
Good Evening ma'am
Betty Neuman is a very great and intelligent person and also a very honorable person she is a responsible and loving wife to her husband supports her husbands work. and also has a great theory that will help a nurse to give care to the clients that are undergoing illness...She is a good example to the students that wants to be professionals.
the theory of Betty Neuman is helpful for giving health care to the patients that showing stress to the patient will affect the wellness of the patient because as always stress are communicable...
we must not show other people that we are problematic because it will also affect them..and also the nurse must not only focuses on the physical aspects but it needs to be focuses on the whole being of a person. nurses needs to follow steps and prevention steps to help the client to be well and experience a better life...
the theory of Betty Neuman is great and I promise to apply it any time and anywhere...not showing other people that I have poroblem and will not be a stressor to other people...
Ma'am have a good evening and God Bless you always thanks for all the help you gave to us....
Rose Anne A. Resubal BSN-1G
Betty Neuman is such a great theorist because through her nursing process; students, nurse and other health professionals will be able to do an appropriate and sytematic nursing care to their patient which gives a relevant result in health conditions of one person. And through her Systems Model we see the patient as a whole or on its totality. Thanks to Betty Neuman for her great contributions in the Fields of nursing.
Thank you maam.
Raechel S. Makipagay
Good evening Ma'am,
After reading the article about the theory of Betty Neuman, I learned many things. She gave us an idea on how to give importance on giving care or in caring for the patients by giving them the right and clean explanation.
I learned that the nurse should give or should be the one who is responsible for giving the proper healht not only for the physical aspect but also for the Social, mental, emotional and of course Spiritual aspect.
I learned that showing stressfulness to other people can affect them so I learned not to show them especially to the patients the stress that you are feeling but instead, get some advice to the professionals and face the patients with a smile.
..thanks again Ma'am for giving us another chance to know this kind of theory. THANK YOU!!
Dr. Betty Neuman, is a very reputable person, a loving wife,and an intelligent nurse. She is really an achiever, she attended the UCLA with two honors in public health and psychology. She finished her Baccalaureate Degree, her Masteral, and also her Doctoral.
Neuman's systems model focuses on the person as a complete system, where the subparts of the body cooperate with the whole personality and health of the client. It is valuable, and useful at the same time for it provide direction for nursing practice, education and research is becoming increasingly evident in the literature. The goal of the system's model of Betty Neuman is the holistic overview of physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of human beings.Its purpose is also to give knowledge and development to the science of nursing.
Ma'am Oloresisimo,
Good Day.Thanks for the lessons, Ma'am.It is easy for me to understand the theories when you are teaching everything with effort, energy, full of details, and expressions. Thank you so much, Ma'am Danela.
Angelica M. Blaquera
',. "Betty Neuman" is one of the nursing theorist that excel in the nursing profession with her contributions such as her theory in nursing.
Neuman's system model focuses on our body as a whole system, our body has its own five aspects which helps us to become a whole and complete person. If there is one part that was damaged, the whole of its subparts will be at risk. We must be responsible in taking good care of it. We must always put to our mind the system model because as a nurse, we are very responsible in everyone's health condition.
The stressors need to be prevented as soon as possible, we don't have to be affected because of the stressors. So for me, the three levels of prevention, which are the primary prevention, secondary prevention, and the tertiary prevention must have to apply before the stressors affect the whole part of our body. Thanks to our great theorist, Betty Neuman, with her theory it will be easier for us to cope with the unexpected situations.
With regards to her achievements and contributions, for me it is an outstanding one! She had a great well job! She is an inspiration!
You'll always be remember!
Thank you ma'am for another article! It helps a lot!
Elaiza Jane M. Dela Guardia
"Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole od the client," Neuman quoted.
Betty Neuman, grew in a middle class family in the rural Ohio, an all around woman that made the System Model in Nursing which made an immense role in the nuesing peactice. In her theory there are the Client Variables, Lines of Resistance, Normal Line of Defense, Flexible Line of Defense, Stressors, Reaction, Prevention, and Reconstitution. There are also Three Levels of Prevantion which are: Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention, and the Tertiary Prevention.
Annabelle S. Evallar
Betty Neuman and her System Model in Nursing practice...Neuman Model’s use as a guide in directing nursing education and clinical practice has received much national and international also being used in educational institutions..Neumans theory can help us in our means of her theory..we can cope to our patients not only in physical means but also in social, mental, emotional and of course Spiritual aspect.
Thanks Mam.Oloresisimo for the journal..
Catherine Suzaenne Lo
For me, her theoretical sources helped her a lot especially the Gestalt theory that pertains “the body is more than it’s sum” .
It gave a meaning to me that as a person we have a different aspects and this aspects is crucial to full-fill a healthy human being.
This theory of NEUMAN gave me real understandings in her theory. Her theory is well organize and gave use guide to give importance to take care of different aspects.
We are an open system and it means that there’s a flock of barricades that are attempting to ambush the health of the person whenever we are not seriously attached.
Betty Neuman's Theory, THE SYSTEM MODEL IN NURSING PRACTICE was so important in our day to day life, our work become perfect because of the practice(try and try until you suceed) She said that the body is more than the sum of it's part, and for her, no man is an islanr because she is a kind of person that helping others even the person she did't know. She was intelligent and responsible to all people and especially to her husband. She helped her husbands work to become successful. She helped those person who need her helped. I was so inspiring to her. The goal of her Theory Is the holistic overview of psychological, physiological, sociocultural and developmental aspects of human being, because of this aspects, my knowledge become widen and I apply in my day to day life. She cannot give up instead she try and try untuil she succeed.
Systems Model in Nursing was very important to us and also for me because I've learned how to use it
betty neuman , like other theorist gave a useful contribution in the field of nursing. even her parents is a home maker and a farmer she pursue her study to give service to the people whose in need. she is also a great example to all people whose lack of money but wants to finish study. even she has a husband she never forget her profession, thus, she help her husband to mange the medical service. in her theory the environment is the stressors. it is by intrapersonal. extrapersonal and/or by interpersonal. she contibuted so much pulications that will help students to understand easily the nursing profession. she inspired ol of us.
sam jefferlyn c. placino
Betty Neuman
System Model in Nursing Practice
Her theory is very useful in nursing profession. It gives emphasize in how the nurse can give the exact or the most appopriate care that the patient need.
Ma'am thank you for the exciting discussion. :)
Mejilla, Ziel Nikki B.
Great Day Ma'am!
Betty Neuman and her System Model in Nursing Practice was a great contribution in the field of nursing.
She came from a great university with honors. She also published some books that was a help to nuesing students.
The past theorist that we had discussed had no lovelife or zero lovelife but, infairness to her she had a husband and still kicking alive!
Her theory was a help to alleviate the stress so we could communicate well to our patients. And her theory was applicable to all clinical settings.
I wish I could be as successful as Betty Neuman!!
Benyasmin Jewel L. Mero
this theory is a broad one
It explains that a person is a system...Neumans theory involves lot of system model in nursing practice such as client variables,lines of resistance,normal and flexible line of defense,stressors,reaction, preventions and reconstitutions....
if we understand this system,we are able to keep our self on the wellness state..if one of this subparts is not kept or fully understood.we were not in a good condition..
Betty Neuman was the one who proposed the Systems Model. She gave an emphasis on the person as an open system. she is considered a great achiever. She also presented the 3 levels of prevention. These are the primary prevention, secondary prevention, and the tertiary prevention. She gave this steps to prevent stressors.
"Prevention is better than cure"
Cristy M. Palino
Betty Neuman was the one who proposed the Systems Model. She gave an emphasis on the person as an open system. she is considered a great achiever. She also presented the 3 levels of prevention. These are the primary prevention, secondary prevention, and the tertiary prevention. She gave this steps to prevent stressors.
"Prevention is better than cure"
Cristy M. Palino
gud morning.
unlike other theorist that we've discussed, she has a husband that helped her in her profession. she's great. we all know that she always receives a double honor in her degrees. she inspires me a lot to study well. she gave us her great theory that may help us in our profession someday when we finish our course.
angela a. garcia
bsn ic
..Betty Neuman has a great contribution in our nursing profession, by means of her System model in nursing practice it helps the nursing students to integrate their understanding in client variables that extend nursing beyond the medical model. Her model included behavioral science concepts as problem identification and prevention.
In her metaparadigm in nursing, the concept aimed towards the development of a person in a state of wellness having the capacity to function well by adapting the patient's self to the environment.
..and the theory of Neuman helps the profession to use her model to result a well developed and a good practice in taking care of the patients in our nursing profession..
..thank's to you Dr. Betty Neuman..
Betty Neuman ....another great theorist in nursing profession..
she has a great theory that will help students/nurses to render selfcare for their patient....
It has five aspects,that according to is responsible in our life and body...the social,mental,spiritual,physical and emotional..which can help us to become healthy and complete...
Her theory has been one of important contributions in nursing profession...
The life of Betty Neuman was different from the other theorists because she is from an ordinary family. Her social status does not affect her in becoming a successful and famous theorist. She has also a lovelife,unliked the other theorist that we have discussed..
Her theory focused on the concept of a whole person and an open system approach.The concept is not applicable to nursing but also multidisciplinary as nurses use the nursing process format and prevention as an intervention to collaborate with the health care team. Her model can be applicable in addressing the problem of an individual,also in hospitals,health care clinics,etc.
..again ma'am,thank you!!
katherine w. castillo
Betty Neuman's formulation of her theory "System Model in Nursing Practice" is very interesting and helpful especially in giving importance to the caring of the patients. Her theory is applicable in addressing the problem of an individual, family, community or the society in different practice settings.This model can help nurses to formulate an approach that can prevent and alleviate the client's condition.
general systems and gestalt theory, De chardin and Marx' philosophies, selye and caplan's concepts....
betty Neuman has indeed done a splendid and intellectually-equipped job upon creating linkages among those concepts which has given birth to the theory she has contributed...
the Systems Model is such a treasure for the nursing community as its application proved a huge extent...
Client variables functioning to achieve stability,
lines of resistance which is the facilitator in coping with stress,
normal line of defense which is the baseline of the health level
flexible line of defense which serves to augment protection/safeguard
....the stressors, positive or negative, may alter our state of ell-being and may give potential problems upon us which may trigger us to initiate our reaction,
...we may either be in line with different continuum but still, there is the term "prevention" which we can apply for us to conquer those stressors and thus, help us to be in state of "reconstitution"
to betty neuman, salutations is insufficient to recognize the fullest efforts she has exerted to be able to come up with this nursing theory...
_Liz Margie Sandoval
Betty Neuman, she was diferrent from the theorist that we have tackled, because she is a married woman.Before I thought that it will be difficult for me if I will be a theorist,because I should have no lovelife...But as I have read her life, I realized I could be one of them too,lovelife is not a hindrance.
Neuman's theory were so applicable.I admire the theory that she had made because even in the present and in the future, it could help. Her theory is so useful, and different countries and universities uses her theory.
The focus of the nurse is not just on the physical wellness of the person but as well as the physiological, psychological;, mental,social,cultural and spiritual.I learned a lot from her theory.Health is not only when yopu are well but if you are ill too.Preventions have different stages too..I thought it was just to treat it.
Betty Neuman conceptualized the model from sound theories rather than from nursing research. she evaluated the utility of the model by submitting a tool to her nursing student's at UCLA who were beginning their master's program. the Neuman model depicts the nurse as an active participant with the client and as concerned with all the variables affecting n individual's response to stressors. the model is also a product of her philosophy and of observations made in teaching mental health nursing nd clinical counseling. Neuman also links the four essential concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing in her statements regarding primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
Betty Neuman's System Model in Nursing Practice helps a lot in our daily living. As of now, she's the only theorist that I've read that had a husband, 'cause other theorists like Nightingale, Pepalu,Travelbee and Henderson didn't have husbands at all. I thought theorists can't concentrate on their profession when they have their lovelife but when I've read Neuman's life I realized that they can also be dedicated despite of having a husband. She became a very supportive wife to her husband. In Neuman's theory, she taught nurses to be responsible of the social, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional state of being of patients.
Betty Neuman is such a wonderful theorist who have many contributions in the field of nursing and it is proven that this are useful until now. She helps nurses by the used of her books that totally guide nurses in many ways. In education, practice, administration, and research, this model is still used which is very useful and helps nurses to have an improvement in their care. Her contributions is not simple but if we will read that we can say, "It helps a lot." By the used of reading the journal, I easily understand all about Betty Neuman. For so many reasons, I can't forget this theorist who proved that she is great. Thank you mam.
Paul John C. Guevarra
betty neuman is a intelligent person who also deserves to receive honors.unlike other theorist, betty has a husband. it shows that she is a responsible person who does her responsibility of being a good wife to his husband and being a good theorist to her people.betty neuman's systems model reflects nursing's interest in giving imporatance of somebody's physical, mental and social conditions in the treatment of illness.
Michelle Anne H. Domingo
After I reading her article Ive got a lot of information that i never for get. This article is one the guide to our nursing profession...
we will know that her theory can be used in a different health care setting with the nurse is one of the facilitators.Her theory was comprehensive and adaptable for the nurse to use in the different practice setting. Neuman'
s theory provides guidelines for a professional nurse to have an accurate assessment,planning implementation and evaluation of the planned care for their clients
BSN1C rochelle capillo
Betty Neuman System Model
Her theory used as a guide in giving care to the patient. the theory gave an appropriate explanation how the nurse give care that the client need.
In her theory she introduced the three levels of prevention
1. Primary Prevention
2. Secondary Prevention
3. Tertiary Prevention
She Devoted to her worked although she had a husband, she is intelligsnt woman, and very supportive wife.
In he theory: the system model she taught nurses to be responsible of the social, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional state of being of patients.
Good day Ma'am,
"Betty Neuman(System Model in Nursing Practice)"
Betty Neuman's theory focus on 'nursing process' which assessment,nursing diagnosis,goal of care,intervention,evaluation,and re-evaluate.She views nursing as a 'unique profession' in that it is concerned with all the variables affecting an individual's response to stress.She has develop an assessment and intervention tool to help with his task.Her theory gives great help to the field of nursing because of her systematize nursing process.It also focus on stressors patient to successfully cope their stress.I learned that stressfulness can affect others so I learned to smile.
Ma'am thank you for sharing us Betty Neuman's life.
Among the theorist that we’ve later study, Betty Neuman is the only theorist that is married.And I was happy about that because aside from being a nursing theorist, she helped established and managed her husband's medical practice.
Betty Neuman's concept “Wellness exists when all the part or system of person works harmoniously.” is really applicable in the nursing profession. It can also be applied because the nurse is a part in working with medical team. Nurses should work harmoniously together with the doctor or physician and the rest of the team to achieve its goal of wellness of the patient.
Because the model is flexible and adaptable to a wide range of groups and situations, people have used the model globally. It was a prove that her theory contribute a lot not only in nursing profession but also by other professions and works.
Gestine Grace D. Estrada
Betty Neuman focuses on giving care to the patient through the holistic approach which means taking care of the patient as a whole.His spiritual,social,mental,emotional and physical state is being considered in taking care of his health.I think her way of gining care is really helpful to the patient because not only his physical health is the focus but also all his state.Her system model is really useful to nursing practice because it gives benefit to the patient and thet's the goal of nurses to make their patient healthy in all state of being.
good pm mam. I learned that Betty Neuman gave us the step by step system how the nurse will show whole of her life and responsibilities to the patient by showing some social, mental, spiritual, physical, physiological, cultural development and emotional states of being whole of the patient.
Jason Salvador A. Dellova
Systems Model formulated by Betty Neuman emphasizes on holistic approach to an individual.
Her theory is a little bit complex when I first read about it in the book. This summarized article is very helpful and the definitions provided by the theorist greatly helped in analyzing how this theory can be applied in nursing.
She also stated 3 types of prevention which can truly help nurses not only in maintaining health and preventing diseases but also in educating individuals on how to avoid being sick and recovering/ preventing the reoccurrence of such sickness.
Thanks again mam dani for providing this article. We really gain knowledge from your work. thanks and god bless.=)
Betty Neuman stresses taht a client is classified as a whole unit meaning he is either an individual, family, community or society. A person is affected by how a part of him is classified, whether in the state of wellnes or sickness. He will be subdue to the processes that requires evaluation of all his human aspects in order to eliminate any signs of sickness.
good evening po; I learned many when you teach. I learned that neuman has a love life and she have many contributions that really help in nursing education one of this is the five such as physical,mental,spiritual,emotional,and social that nurses are responsible for it.
gud evening Mam Oloresisimo!!!
The difference of Betty Neuman in other theorist is she have a lovelife and he has a husband that is a doctor.And as i know she is also a childhood sweetheart.I'm agree w/ her statement that "Health is a condition in w/c all parts and subparts are in harmony w/ the whole of the client".
In her theory ,as a nursing student,i learned that the main role of the nurse is to help the person to adapt w/ environmental stimuli that cause illness back to a state of wellness.She also shows us the importance of having the 8 aspects of human being,that if you are not having this you are not healthy.She also teach me that i need to fight the stressors because it gives us stress.
Verna Grace A. Ariola
Betty Nuemans System Model in Nursing Practice:
-Client Variables
-Lines of Resistance
-Normal Line of Defense
-Flexible Line of Defense
(Three Levels of Prevention)
*Primary prevention and disease prevention.
*Secondary prevention
*Tertiary prevention
This 8 parts of her theory is very applicable in our daily activities. It is very important that our body should act as a whole as she focused in holistic approach which is very effective. Many of the nurses forgets the other aspects of life and only focuses on the physical aspect of life but knowing this theory would remind us to balance our attention with the aspects of life.
I was amazed knowing her works became very beneficial for other people because it was used for a long time proving that her works are great.
We should be grateful of Betty Neuman's many contributions in nursing. First and foremost, she introduced the nursing processes. With these, a nurse can properly and appropriately apply the processes in her nursing care.
Her theory, systems model in nursing practice is applicable in any health care setting. Knowing that it was from gestalt, she showed that the sum of a whole is really more than the sum of its parts.
A nurse should have a holistic approach considering the 8 factors affecting a client's health. Neuman also put an emphasis on ways to prevent stressors.
Unlike the other theorist, she has her lovelife and is married. But still, is a successful nurse who contributed a great thing in the nursing profession.
Ma'am thanks for this another article. And for combining it us one. A 3-in-1 comment for Betty Neuman. Hehe!
Karissa Inna S. Zagala
By understanding the theory of Betty Neuman, I found out that the nurse is the one who is responsible for giving the right care for the patient...
The theory's Three Levels of Prevention gives guide to the nurse for them to easily help the patient to recover and avoid stress...
Thanks ma'am for posting the life of Bety Neuman and all her contributions to nursing. (=
Wennaliza Mystika E. Ornedo
Betty Neumann's Theory of System model is very helpful in nursing practice, because it has been applied and adapted to various specialties include family therapy, public health, rehabilitation, and hospital nursing.She also thinks that the holistic approach deliberate all the reason affecting a patient's health.
The nurses are the amendable of the patients regarding to patient's variable,psychlogical, physiological, sociocultural, developmental, spiritual, emotinal, mental.
Maria Ara C. Zaballero
Betty Neuman and her theory gave us the opportunity to understand lot of things. Because of her and all the informations I have read in the journal, I realized the importance of taking care the patient not only in physical means but also in all aspects like social, mental, emotional and spiritual. It is also the responsibility of the nurse to give some info in regards to their sickness and it is the duty of the nurse to explain, to clearly explain some thing when the patient needs some explanation. One more thing I’ve learned from Neuman’s theory is that the mood of the nurse or other people can affect also the mood of the patient, just the same when you feel so stressed and then you show it to everybody then after a while those people around you can feel the same as you are. Her theory is very useful in the field of nursing for the reason that the nurse can easily help his patient to recover from his sickness. We should not only understand the theory of every theorist but also we must learn how to apply it in our daily activities and we must know how to use it.
Thanks Ma’am for all the informations, it could really help us.
-Good Day!
Ana Deanne C. Salcedo
Miss Betty Neuman is not that fortunate to have a wealthy life, but she is one of the fortunate women that is given by God great knowledge to use in the benefits to others. And after all of the hard work and studying she is now one of the greatest person and model to nursing field.
Her great theory "System Model" in Nursing Practice has been now widely use and accepted as a great process and concept in nursing in about two decades and until now. Her theory do not only focus on the physical aspect but also to other, in social, mental, spiritual physical and emotional. Her theory and system model has been adapt by different school, practitioners and nurses as their one great basis in nursing that tells us that her knowledge and theory has a great part in our life as a future nurse.
Her knowledge will one key to those who dream to become a great nurse. Let us always company Miss Neuman in our path on becoming a nurse someday.
thank tou ma'am for your enjoyable discussion
Mark Ian Jun Catan
Betty Neuman was an impressive person. She proved that even that you just came from an ordinary family, it is not a hindrance to achieve the passion of your heart. She was compassionate for those people who are in need. She was also an intelligent person because she completed her nursing education with double honors at People's Hospital School of Nursing, Akron, Ohio.
Her books helped the nursing profession a lot and can be applied in our practice. It was also widely used until now. These books was published for the response of many requests concerning her theory.
Her theory which is the System Model in Nursing Practice was flexible and can be applied in various problems.
She also formulated preventions that I can say that are very truly useful in the nursing practice such as Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention and Tertiary Prevention. These preventions help individuals to be well-educated in whatever the situation is and know how to prevent the sickness.
The Neuman's system model, nursing practice became unified and holistic in approach. Her concept is not just only applicable but also a multidisciplinary in such a way that nurses uses the nursing process format and prevention as an intervention to collaborate with the health care team...
This theory can be used in different health care settings in which the nurse is one of the facilitators. Her theory was comprehensive and adaptable for the nurse to use in variety of practice settings.
It is applicable in social, physical, physiological, psychological, spiritual aspects of a person which is very holistic...
Gloria Mariz A. Ang
"a change in an element changes the whole part"
betty neuman's genuine must really be commensurated with the combined efforts of reverence and patronage...
her system model is the womb of rendering care in a holistic manner, a concrete framework of nursing...
her theory emphasizes that a person's s physical, physiological, psychological, social, cultural, moral, developmental and spiritual aspects must be in harmony to attain the state of well-being...
consequently, nurses should perform their intervention with the fusion of their "body, heart and soul"
Betty neuman's theoretical assertions and eight system model in Nursing practice provides a more efficient access in the achievement of continuous health and realization of the Nursing profession...
Betty Neumans system model in nursing practice is very useful not only in nursing practice rather in our daily life,.
it really helps nursing student to deal with the patient not only physically rather morally. it shows that a a individual is healthy if her/his all body components is healthy. in taking care of a person we should considered all the aspect of human being,. the spiritual, social, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional. she also discuss in her model the line of defense of an person, which really a great help for me,
her system model is widely use in different part of the world, it was really a great contribution not only nursing history but in our life, as normal human being.
mrs. danela, it was really a great time when we are discussing betty neuman's theory.thank you very much and more powers.
good evening Ma'm Dani!good evening Ma'm Dani!
Betty Neuman is really an inspiration for each and everyone especially for us,students,… For she have received a lot of awards from other country...her life was not as lucky unlike the other theorist but inspite of that condition she pursue and gain a success... After I have read the journal about the Global Application of the System Model, I learned that this theory can also be applied to my present condition and in my daily life.., Because as a student, I used to sleep late at night because of lot of things to do that causes me to have stress… but because I now I know how to control my behavior, I’m just applying the system model of Betty Neuman and so, I learned now how to control myself…System Model is really applicable to all of us and it is imporatnt to know this theory to maintain a balance life.. thanks to Betty Neuman
Thanks Ma’m
System Model in Nursing Practice another great theory contributed to our profession, why?
Because this theory explains and provides the different aspects that are effecting to one's health condition.
It also helps us how we provide caring to our client.We should not only focus what can be seen by our naked ayes but by means of holistic approach from external aspects to the internal aspects that are responsible to achieve a proper health condition. .
Dela Peña, Nel Patrick B.
Good Evening Mam Danela..
I believe that Betty Neuman
has one of the brightest idea when she concluded that the body is more than the sum of its parts and therefore an open system that is reacting and adjusting in an environment.
Her concept in her theory is very relevant in the nursing role; to help the person afflicted with illnesses to cope up with disease causing stimuli back to the healthy state.
Modern nurse like us have a need to impose such kind of application of Neuman's theory. This will surely help us to impose a
holistic approach for our intervention to the
patient and the health care team.
Truly, Betty Neuman is another personality in the nursing profession whom we can all be proud of.
Thank you Ma'am for the unceasing effort you exert in teaching all of us.
Katherine Visagar
Gud evening Ma'am Oloresisimo..
Betty Neuman is the first one that stated "the body is more than the sum of its part" where her theory("Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole client") being based, which means that if one part or a section of your body is in pain definitely another part is being affected, for example, your tooth is aching your head was affected or other parts. Betty Neuman is the theorist who made the system model that follows a nursing process:
a)Assessment-you assess the patients or you introduce yourself to the patient.
b)Nursing Diagnosis-after assessing, identify the sickness or disease of the patient
c)Goal of care-this part is the part that you need to achieve after indentifying the patients condition.
d)Intervention-what to do?
e)Evaluation-evaluating if your interventions and goals are successful.
The system model talks about achieving stable health or condition with the environmental stressors, which means a patient should know how to adjust themselves with the enviroment to maintain their good health but if a person is unable to do this she/he is unhealthy.Many things affect our health, their are weather or climate that if it is cold,wear jacket and etc.,when hot wear thin clothings and etc., another is encountered people, for example that person that you encounter has illness what will you do? drink medicine if you became infected and etc.
Betty Neuman is a theorists with a love life, her husband is a doctor.She is also a theorist that is atill alive up to know with the age of 84.
Tracy Ruth Y. Lirio
"Betty Neuman (System Model in Nursing Practice)"
Betty Neuman was born in 1924 on a farm near Lowell, Ohio.
Her father was a farmer and her mother was a home maker. She grew up in the rural Ohio where she developed love for the land and her compassion for people in need.
During 1947, Neumann’s initial nursing education was completed with double honors at People's Hospital School of Nursing in Akron, Ohio. Then she moved to Los Angeles to live with relatives in California, she worked in variety of nursing roles that include hospital staff and head nurse, school nurse, and industrial nurse. She was also involved in clinical teaching in different schools. Because of her theory about the “System model in Nursing” new formulated process were created and it provides an effective framework in conceptual evolution among levels of education of nursing students. In addition her model enhances the nursing care of clients with specific physiological stressors.
GLOBAL APPLICATIONS OF THE SYSTEMS MODEL:education,administration,nursing practice and research.
Because her model is so flexible and adaptable to a wide range of groups and situations, people used her model globally. They used it for 2 decades. Neuman’s first book, The Neuman Systems Model: Application to Nursing Education and Practice was published in 1982 as an additional data for her model. Neuman published two additional editions of the book, with the third edition published in 1995 in response to expanded use of the model globally. The third edition includes applications of the Neuman Systems Model to nursing education, practice, administration, and research.
nursing education:It became holistic in approarch.Provide effective framework in conceptual evolution among levels of education of nursing students.
practice:Goal directed, integrated and holistic approach to client care.
research:Gives additional clarification and generation of testable nursing theories.
administration: The Neuman Systems Model is being used in diverse practice settings.
This is Neil Robinson L Tan
betty neuman is such a great theorist her theory can help us in giving care to our clients, she is a responsible nurse for the different aspects of the life of every individual especially to the patients,, the social,spiritual,emotional,mental and physical aspect of individuals.
ma'am danela, we're hoping that you will continue sharing your studies, knowledge and skills to us.
an ordinary woman who used to see farms,animals,rural areas and who used to lived in a very typical way was named betty neuman.
she developed her compassion for the needy because she lived in an ordinary life wherein she saw the hardships of life.
she struggled for success and undergone in different schools and affiliation to exercised her skills and knowledge in giving care to the clients. she is known for formulating "the systems model", until now she is serving and continually rendering service through the neuman systems model trustees group. like any other theorist she had been influenced by different people such as marx,de chardin, selye, and caplan.
she stressed that wellness exists when all the part or system of person works harmoniously.
systems model was subdivided in: 1. client variables
2.lines of resistance
3. normal line of defense
4. flexible line of defense
5. stressors
7. prevention
being a nurse mean that we are always engeged by the sressors in our environment and we should know how to manipulaze them.
mam, thank you vary much! god bless...
jo anne marie castillo
Betty Neuman is a great and intelligent nurse her systems theory has a big contribution on nursing practice now a days.Neuman believes that nursing requires a holistic approach, that considers all factors affecting the health of the person.Neumans theory describes that person is an open system.The main role of the nurse in Neuman theory is to help the patient to adapt to the environment.And Neuman's theory is applicable in our nursing practice and it is easy to understand.
betty neuman was born on 1924 in a farm near lowell, ohio. her father was a farmer and her mother was a home maker. she she finished her initial nurding edusation with double honors.betty neuman is a very intelligentwoman,she also went to study in the university of california, los angeles (ucla) and take publig health and psychology. ucla is known as a great university in the world, means that betty neuman was so intelligent because she graduated there with two majors and with honors. she is the only nursing theorists whom i've known to have a husband, because all of the nursing theorists i have encountered are all died single. i was amaze by this person because she can manage her nursing career and her family well. in her nursing
career, she became a professor, she published books that was requested by the ucla students to have a clear understanding in nursing.
System Model in Nursing Practice of Betty Neuman is very important to the patients because this theory explains how the system of the patient affects his health. Nurses needs to follow a system in order for their patient's recovery. It teach us the importance of being a non-stressor person because it affects other people.
Betty Neuman life's is so interesting and amazing. She is intelligent that makes her stand out. Because of her advocacy, che helped many people who are in need.
Chrisrine Keir C. Dejelo
betty neuman, a simple woman from ohio, contribute a lot in the field of nursing. her nursing theory, systems model, was a great help and concept to the patient, everyone, and especially to those nurses. her theory was about the relationship of nursing and an open system. this was subdivided into:
Client Variables
- physiological, sociocultural developmental and spiritual—function to achieve stability in relation to the environmental stressors experienced by the client.
2. Lines of Resistance
- acts when the Normal Line of Defense is invaded by too much stressor causing alteration in the normal health pattern to facilitate coping and overcome the stressors that are present within the individual.
3. Normal Line of Defense
- acts in coordination with the normal wellness state. It is the normal reaction of the client in response to stress – the baseline determinants of wellness within the health continuum.
4. Flexible Line of Defense
- helps the body to adjust to situations that threaten the imbalance within the client's stability.
5. Stressors
Stressors are forces that produce tensions, alterations or potential problems causing instability within the clients system.
6. Reaction
Reactions are the outcomes or produced results of certain stressors and actions of the lines resistance of a client. It can be positive or negative depending on the degree of reaction the client produces to adjust and adapt with the situation.
a. Negentropy is set towards stability or wellness
b. Egentropy is set towards disorganization of the system producing illness
7. Prevention
Prevention is used to attain balance within the continuum of health
Three Levels of Prevention according to this theory:
A. Primary prevention – focuses on foreseeing the result of an act or situation and preventing its unnecessary effects as possible. It also aims to strengthen the capacity of a person to maintain an optimum level of functioning while being interactive with the environment. Ex. health promotion and disease prevention.
B. Secondary prevention – focuses on helping alleviate the actual existing effects of an action that altered the balance of health. It aims to reduce environmental influences that cause an alteration in the stability of the client. Ex. Early diseases detection and prompt treatment.
C. Tertiary prevention – focuses on the actual treatments or adjustments to facilitate strengthening of person after being exposed to stressor. Aims to prevent regression and recurrence of the disease. Ex. Rehabilitation
8. Reconstitution
A state of returning back to old health self.
betty neuman's system model is flexible and adaptable to a wide range of groups and situations. it is highly accepted in derivable concequences. neuman's theory was globally used because it is applicable in any setting. her theory is not just applicable in the hospital, it can be used in other settings because her theory was said to be broad in scope.
*** The System Model theory of Betty Neuman is a holistic approach in which a nurse considers all factors affecting a client's health. I understand that it explains that a person has protective mechanism and to maintain client's stability in time of stress.
Learning the system model theory will guide the nurse in practice to promote optimal wellness of the client.
Suarez,Kathleen Mae
*** The System Model theory of Betty Neuman is a holistic approach in which a nurse considers all factors affecting a client's health. I understand that it explains that a person has protective mechanism and to maintain client's stability in time of stress.
Learning the system model theory will guide the nurse in practice to promote optimal wellness of the client.
Suarez,Kathleen Mae
Betty Neuman, a very intelligent person, this only means that she gives her best to excel in everything she’s doing.
Based on her theory that all the parts and subparts harmoniously worked together with the patient, this means that without all the cooperation, the patient cannot easily have the state of wellness the patient need. And all should be a part of helping the patient gain wellness and learn to adopt in the environment.
fideliz m. verzo
bsn 1c
After our discussion about the life and theory of Betty Neuman plus the facts in this blog I`ve learned a lot of things and started to be inspired again with a theorist.
Like the other theorists we had first discussed, Neuman also had received various honors and had given a lot of contributions in our nursing practice. She is the first theorist that I`ve known having a husband because the past theorists that we`ve discussed has zero lovelife.
She had always been interested in human behavior.She received a doctoral degree in clinical psychology.
Through Neuman`s Systems model we see the patient on its totality.
MAry Reicelyn Sacular
good day ma'am!
"health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole client of the client"
I had realize that a person or a nurse could be miserable if one cannot adapt and achieve his development in a state of wellness.
Stressors are problems that forces a person system's to be instable.Stress is trully very communicable.One is considered in the state of illness if he/she will not make action to address/prevent this problem.
Through Betty Neuman's System Model, it can reduce the pain by following the step-by-step process in order to be healthy.In hospitals, a nurse can apply her theory if she is responsible enough to help a patient adapt from the one causing his illness back to the state of wellness.
Not only the nurse is responsible on his physical condition but also his social, mental, spiritual, and emotional stae of being of the patient.
One must show his stress if it can only affect a person also becoming stressful.
Chiara Jaballa
Betty Neuman is a honorable women, she was a well educated and on the other hand, she was a good wife to her husband. She worked very well so that's why she was deserved to gained the achievements she has.
Her theory the System Model is really applicable and useful in all nursing profession. While reading the journal, it shows that her theory has a great influenced to the nursing practice. It has been used internationally, shows that many people believed in the importance of her theory. The development of her theory is helpful in giving health care to the patient as what I learned as she developed the NURSING PROFESSION, that served as a pattern in giving care to the patient, it is important for a nurse to know and apply it in her practice in order to have a successful care to the patient.
The is the importance of Betty Neuman's theory, in order for the patient to gain health it is important to a nurse practitioner to know the step-by-step process.
justine kay hidalgo
The Neuman’s System Model is broad in terms of nursing practice, research, and education. Her model can be applied in different practice settings. Her books serve nurses for better understanding with her theory. Many countries used her system model as a curriculum framework.
Betty Neuman is different from the other theorist that we tackled because she has a husband. She is very compassionate woman even if she came from a not well to do family, she is very concern with the needs of others. She has many achievements in the field of education.
Neuman’s System Model is broad and provides nurses to have quality care for the patient. It is adaptable by many health care settings. The theory will also be applicable to future nursing practice and research that will improve new nursing knowledge for the enhancement of nursing practice.
I realized that mental, spiritual, physical, social, physiological, psychological, cultural development and emotional are important in giving care to the patient.
Sardona, Rodilyn M.
Neuman’s systems model is widely used and it is adaptable in any situations, it aims the development of a person in a state of wellness having the capacity to function well. In applying her theory, as a nurse we must consider all the factors affecting the patient’s health for them to feel better. Her theory is used by many colleges and universities in other countries because according to them it is more applicable to their practice. The student’s are helped by the holistic approach to focus on the client in his surroundings. Her systems model guided us to improve our care to the patients and letting the patient achieve the stability of their system. Than you ma’am.
¨°º¤ø„¸Joshua Lingcoran¸„ø¤º
¸„ø¤º°¨ BSN 1E °º¤ø
Betty Neuman is such a great theorist because through her System Model in Nursing Practice, nurses can able to do an systematic nursing care to their patient which affects the health of the patient. She also gave importance in the emotional, social, mental, spiritual,and physical state of being of patients. She gave an effective steps on how to cope with stress too.
Arlor Z. de Chavez
Betty Neuman is a intelligent and a honorable woman. She is also a loving wife to her husband. She is really an achiever because she strive hard for her dreams, eventhough her father is only a farmer and her mother is in their house only. Like other theorist Neuman also contribute useful techniques in field of nursing.
Gener,Winfrey Mae O.
Betty Neuman is such a great, intelligent and honorable person.
She supports her husband on his medical career and she is a loving and caring wife.
She is a pioneer of nursing involvement in mental health.
Her theory the systems model in nursing practice aimed for the development of a person in state of wellness.For her,when all the part of a system works harmoniously a person is healthy.
The apllication of Neuman's theory is widely used in nursing practice and research.It is simple and very applicable in any health care practice.Her theory is widely used all over the world.Some schools include the systems model in their nursing curriculum.The model is also used in psychiatric nursing and on cancer patients.
Neuman belives that her model "both concept and process relevant as a directive toward nursing and other health care activities in the challenging 21st Century".
This model is very useful in nursing not only this time but also for the future.
Batty Neuman's System Model in Nursing Practice is a great help to the nursing student today. It explains how to prevent the stress and become us complete.
Jefferlyn Mari V. Almira
The Systems Model of Betty Neuman provides facts that can be widely used in the field of nursing. The theory gives guidelines to the nurses on how their patient will attain wellness by preventing or treating such stress. When this System Model is used in nursing practice, the care for the patient is improved. I admire you Betty Neuman for your wonderful and usable theory. Thank you mam for this article because of this I easily undestood the theory of Betty Neuman.
Paul John C. Guevarra
The journal about the global applications of the Systems Model of Betty Neuman gave us an idea that Neuman's theory is used worldwide. The journal guides us to the future by providing us facts which can be applied to nursing practice. The Systems Model provides good education which enable nurses to be knowledgeable in nursing practice. All in all this journal is great in contents.
Paul John C. Guevarra
Good Morning Mam Danela Oloresisimo
.Betty Neuman has a great contribution in our nursing profession, by means of her System model in nursing practice it helps the nursing students to integrate their understanding in client variables that extend nursing beyond the medical model. Her model included behavioral science concepts as problem identification and prevention.
In her metaparadigm in nursing, the concept aimed towards the development of a person in a state of wellness having the capacity to function well by adapting the patient's self to the environment.Betty neuman , like other theorist gave a useful contribution in the field of nursing. even her parents is a home maker and a farmer she pursue her study to give service to the people whose in need. she is also a great example to all people whose lack of money but wants to finish study. even she has a husband she never forget her profession, thus, she help her husband to mange the medical service. in her theory the environment is the stressors. it is by intrapersonal. extrapersonal and/or by interpersonal. she contibuted so much pulications that will help students to understand easily the nursing profession. she inspired all of us.
intelligent person who also deserves to receive honors.unlike other theorist, betty has a husband. it shows that she is a responsible person who does her responsibility of being a good wife to his husband and being a good theorist to her people.
Learning the system model theory will guide the nurse in practice to promote optimal wellness of the client.
Thank you Mam .,.
Alexandra Lalaine Ong
In the life of Betty Newman ..
ive been inspired and amaze. because even though she is not that rich she still accomplish and make all the things she want and she is a supporting wife even though she have a lot of things to be done like writing her book she still she manage her time for her family and to be a supporting wife.. her theory source are came from the studies of some other person .
She also stated that the nurse most requires a holistic approach to the patient. And person that an individual a open system that interacts to each other exchanging information and view. And reaction of a certain factor. She defined health as a wellness of the whole body. She want to say that every part of the human most function fully to be able to be said well.
She also states that a person experience stressor in there life and it reacts upon the situation the reaction maybe positives or negative..betty Newman states that we most prevention to have a balance in your situation ,..
You most reconstruct the person back to its old wellness.
and that is the goal of the nurse i think to make the patient back to its old wellness not just the body but also the spiritual and emotional being..
thank you maam...
and Godbless you..<
Betty Neuman is very great and intelligent person and also have a loving family unlike the other theorist that have zero love life..she's my idol again because even though she have a family she still become a theorist..and her theory really help also the nurses to apply them to the patients..
ma'am thanks po uli d2 sa article nyung gnwa..☻
Betty Neuman is a very intelligent person and a loving wife. She helped her husband on his work. Her educational background is really amazing! Despite of the fact that she's a daughter of a farmer and a plain housewife, she had finished a studies and had made a great contribution in the nursing profession.
The System Model in Nursing, it is a system wherein she described a person as an open system. The goal of her concept is to develop the patient's state of wellness. It also aims to strengthen the capacity of a patient to maintain/keep an optimum level of functioning while being interactive with the environment. For Neuman, a person is considered "healthy" when the system of the person works pleasantly. In the application of Neuman's System Model, every person experiences stress from their environment. Stress are caused by stressors or the forces that causes instability within the client system. As a human being, it is normal that I could experience stress, because of this, I try my best to attain my balance to be healthy again.
Neuman's System Model is applicable to every individual, and been very useful for more than two decades. The Systems Model in Nursing is very efficient in rendering care in the patients. Her model can easily adapt to future changes in the health care delivery. Her model is also used as a teaching tool and had been used by many universities all over the globe!
Christine Joy I. Pasno
Betty Neuman her theory is about the System Model
According to her Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client.
She was born on 1924,her father was a farmer and her mother was a housewife.She grew up in Ohio and she developed her compassion in the people need in that place.She also work as a hospital staff, head nurse, school nurse and an industrial nurse in California.She was also a clinical teacher at Los Angeles in the areas of medical-surgical,communicable disease critical care. She was also interested in the human behavior.Actually she received a doctoral degree in clinical psychology.Neuman and Donna Aquilina was the first to develop counseling at Los Angeles.Her sources are the Gestalt Theory, Marx,de Chardin,Han Seyle and Caplan.
Metaparadigm in Nursing
Person according to her is an individual, family and community
Nursing According to her it is a man who is truly concerned with the whole person and it requires holistic approach.
Her concepts states that nurses should consider client's physical, physiological,psychological, mental, social,cultural,development and spiritual well-being.
HEalth she states that it is dynamic in nature and it depends upon which state of continuum they are line with.
Environment in could be internal external and intrapersonal,
System Model in Nursing practice.
Client Variables
Lines Resistance
Flexible Line of Defense
Client variables are the combination of the following:
physiological,sociological,developmental and spiritual.
Stressors are the forces that produce tension to every individual.
Reaction are classified as Negentrophy and egentropu.
It is easy to understand and really useful
Her theory was comprehensive and adaptable for the nurse to use in the different practice settings,
Empirical Precision
HEr theory increases the collection of empiricism within the scope of nursing.
Derivable Consequences
IT provides guidelines for a professional nurse to have systematic and planned care to the patient.
Because her theory is applicable to every settings and really applicable in the nursing practice and education.IT is really useful to the Nurses to have their proper assessment to the patient.The nurses should apply this theory in every settings in their life as they work truly in their profession.
Thank you Ma'am Oloresisimo
Kim SOliel lim
Betty Neuman
“Systems Model in Nursing Practice”
She is recognized as pioneer in the field of nursing involvement in community mental health. One of the most notable, yet rarely acknowledge among this group is Betty Neuman.
Neuman's Systems Model is a comprehensive conceptual framework, used extensively in nursing education; it reflects nursing's interest in holism and the influence of the environment on health. The goal of the model was to provide a wholistic overview of the physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of human beings. It was used extensively in nursing education.
Betty Neuman was a great and honarable woman. She gave a lot of contribution that can help in the field of nursing. I learned a lot because of her theory.
Krizia U. Pineda
Betty Neuman helps the nursing practice,education and research.By formulating the Systems Model theory,the nurse will understand the physical,mental,social,emotional,and spiritual state of the patient.
Neuman is a very intellegent woman.She was an an achiever and I want to be like her.
I learned so much to Betty Neuman because oh the articles about her.. Betty Neuman is a very intelligent..
She has a great contribution in the nursing because of her theory. She is a great example to those peopl don't have so much money they need to read this so that they will notice they still have a hope in their life..
thank you ma'am for posting this aticles i learned so much about her life..
ryan lee oabel bsn1e
Betty Neuman is a great person.She is also a loving wife to her husband and she always support himto her works.
Her theory is very helpful to patients or persons undergoing stress.Because stress is communicable there is a proper way to treat it.The nurse should give importance not only to the physical aspect of the person but also to the emotional,spiritual and social aspects.The goal of the system's model of Betty Neuman is the holistic overview of physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of human beings.Its purpose is also to give knowledge and development to the science of nursing.
Hanna Margarith A. Baladad ,BSN IG
the life of betty neuman is just simple but even though she was born in the farm near Ohio i know that she has an extraordinary mind to formulate a theory that can contribute well in our nursing profession. she makes me realized how a important it is to be a non-stressor patient.we shoudn't be affected by our stress in our everyday living. she explained that the system of a human works harmoniously so if one of it is malfunctioning it can cause sickness to a person. her theory must be used by the nurse for the patient obtain her full recovery.the nurse must follow certain kind of steps in caring her patient.for me, in reading her article, i can say that the stressor is one of the factors why lots of people attain sickness.
Gretchen G. Villanueva
Betty Neuman is a great person.She is also a loving wife to her husband and she always support himto her works.
Her theory is very helpful to patients or persons undergoing stress.Because stress is communicable there is a proper way to treat it.The nurse should give importance not only to the physical aspect of the person but also to the emotional,spiritual and social aspects.The goal of the system's model of Betty Neuman is the holistic overview of physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of human beings.Its purpose is also to give knowledge and development to the science of nursing.
Hanna Margarith A. Baladad ,BSN IG
Bety Neuman shows the nursing student to help recognize the whole of what the patient have.
Neuman for me is so very understanding and supportive wife to his husband.
It help me to understand the whole system, how it work and what will happen if one of the system is not functionong well..
Chard og 1G
Betty Neuman Systems Model is a guide for nursing practice, research, education, and administration. It has the possibility to make various health-related theories, clarifying the relationships of changing in nursing care and role definitions of nursing practice. Betty Neuman developed her theory to provide a structure for the information about humans in a wholistic approach. The model helps to provide basic survival.The major concern of nursing is to keep the patient stable throughout the effects of environmental stressors and in assisting the patient to adjust their wellness through primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies as intervention
Betty Neuman's Systems model on Nursing practice gave a big contributions to all aspects in our life. It also gave a big help to those nurses who find difficult in taking care of their patient properly especially those hard-headed patient. The nurse now can clearly explain to her patient all about their sickness, that enable the patient to understand it well and cooperate with the nurse when curing their sick..
we thank you Betty Neuman for having such a very good theory..!!
tnx ma'am for the learnings!!
"Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client"
Betty Neuman gave importance in caring the patient.The model can be applicable in addressing the problem of an individual,family,community or the society in different practice settings.The model's holistic approach can be specifically applicable to clients health condition facing complex stressors.
Neuman's Life:
She came from a simple family in rural ohio. She was a firm lady with great passion about Nursing with especial attention to Human Behavior. She has a great intellectual capacity with regards in studying Human Behavior. She is also an achiever of dirrent honors and awards. like Henderson, she is also an international theorist. Same as Peplau, she was also concerned to the psychological aspects of an individual..
Journal readingBetty Neuman's System Model:
Her theory is versatile and very influential to the natural world. For it offers lot of knowledge, understanding, factual beliefs which contributed for a well organized and well rounded learnings in Nursing. Many achievements signifies that it is so essential to the quality of nursing education and application to give. It also accelerates the applications with regards to nursing. And because it is a system model, for further explanation, it is broad that anyone, can adapt it for reasonable purposes.
Her Theory:
Neuman's theory is of great intense and so powerful for it is so influential and very braod in scope which totally supports all the fields in nursing include health. Many books about this theory were published and distributed around the world and gives understanding, conclusions that indeed, brightens one's mind.
Rhessiane Roda
Bsn 1-c
System model in nursing helps us a lot in our chosen profession. nurse must focuses on the physical aspects of the person but also in the needs of the whole being of the person.
This theory also explain that stressors coming from the environment also affects the wellness of a person.
Betty Neuman's contributions in Nursing practice is functioning globally. Her model is being use in different coutry because it can applied and serve as direction in Nursing profession. Neuman's idea is always remember and it is useful in "CHARTING" about the patient that can be used by nurses as well as student nurse. Through this it seves also as guidelines for us to assess the patient as a whole that can help us to evaluate the condition of the patient.
Mhayuki B. Tanaleon
I'm impressed by Betty Neuman through her intelligence. She receieved a double honor in nursing, meaning she is excellent both in academics and practical application.
Her theory is another theory that really helps the nursing field. I agree with her that a person has to attain homoestasis and prevent an illness that breaks that balance. Her concepts specially the levels of prevention is easy to understand. That's why her theory is globally applicable. It was utilized by different nurses in different parts of the worl in clinical practice, education and reseach. I will highlight its contribution to eaducation because there are many institutions that based their curriculum on her theory.
I also agree on her statement that the future of her theory is bright. Her theaory can be revised or inproved by future changes.
Khrista Mari V. Motar
Betty Neuman focuses on the body as a complete system, in which its subparts works in accord to the totality of the person. She views health as the state of equilibrium between the systems and subsystems of the body. It is affected by the environment, which may be internal or external. The environment causes stress that result to the instability of the person, therefore she formulated the three levels of prevention to aid in the recovery of the patient, namely; Primary Prevention, Secondary Prevention and lastly, Tertiary Prevention.
She also emphasizes on the person’s physical, physiological, psychological, mental, social, cultural, developmental and spiritual well-being, should be given holistic approach to attain wellness.
Her model has a wide application in health care practice and it is adaptable in any health care settings.
She introduced the nursing process, (assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation), which served as guidelines for nursing practice, from then until now.
kay chie cendaña
Betty Neuman, a very intelligent person. I was Impressed on her achievemants in her life, she received double honors in nursing.
Neuman is very outstanding when it comes to both academic and application.
Her theory helped improve the health care on patients and clinical practice.
Ma'am, I thank you a lot for sharing us with you knowledge.
Matthew M. dela Cruz
The theory of Betty Neuman is helpful for giving health care to the patients that showing stress to the patient will affect the wellness of the patient because as always stress are communicable...
we must not show other people that we are problematic because it will also affect them..and also the nurse must not only focuses on the physical aspects but it needs to be focuses on the whole being of a person. nurses needs to follow steps and prevention steps to help the client to be well and experience a better life...
the theory of Betty Neuman is great and I promise to apply it any time and anywhere...not showing other people that I have poroblem and will not be a stressor to other people..
Systems Model in Nursing was very important to us and also for me because I've learned how to use it..
thank you Ma"am......
Ruffa Bonaobra
Nures should consider all aspects of client's health-pysical,physiological,phychological,mental,social,cultural,and spiritual well being while rendering care.
Betty Neuman'System Model in Nursing will guide us in proper caring to our patient.Her theory is applicable in nursing profession because she consider that all parts of an individual is very important to be able to function effectively and harmoniously.
With this theory nurses can easily identify the problem beyond their patient health.
Cyruz C. Bautista
when i read the article about betty neuman i was inspired by her work because she is important in the nursing profession.she gave alot of caring to the patient and other person. and when i read the story of the woman with the cancer i was suprised to see that even if she cannot last long in the world she still gave meaning to her life by giving it to others. that proves that you can do a lot more in your life so make the most of it.
when i read the article about betty neuman i was inspired by her work because she is important in the nursing profession.she gave alot of caring to the patient and other person. and when i read the story of the woman with the cancer i was suprised to see that even if she cannot last long in the world she still gave meaning to her life by giving it to others. that proves that you can do a lot more in your life so make the most of it.
Betty Neuman is a great nurse. she is very dedicated with her work and at the same time she is a loving wife to her husband. she never regret to continue her work and serve other people. even though she has a family to prioritize, still she chose to continue her nursing career. she did not stop to teach in the nursing profession.
Her theory about System Model In Nursing Practice is very significant. her theory has a great help in the nursing education. i have learned a lot from her theory that stress should be prevented because its communicable. we should not be the stressor of our patient, because we can't help them to recover from thie illness.
the great relevance of her theory is that it will help the nursing students to give more emphaty with their patients and they will be the source of recovery of their patients.
to ma'am thank you for posting this article. it really helps me a lot.
Neuman's model focuses on the person as a complete system, the subparts of which are interrelated physiological, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, and developmental factors.
It is unique, systems-based outlook that offers an approach that focus on a wide range of nursing concerns. The Systems Model is a complete guide for nursing practice, research, education, and administration that is open to creative application almost to everyday life(and) has the potential for joining many health-related theories, clarifying the relationships of variables in nursing care and role definitions at various levels of nursing practice.
Betty Neuman "System Model in Nursing Practice”. This nursing practice described a person as a complete system. It is applicable in any health care, it is comprehensive and adaptable. Neuman’s theory can help us in our profession. By applying it on the patients in physical, social, mental, emotional and in spiritual aspects.
Rino Vito
BETTY NEUMAN -" system model in nursing practice"
...for me. the meaning or the definition of her theory is the caring of the patients by giving such explanation on how the whole system of the patient-affects his and her health.
...Her theory must be applicable now a day specially to us, even in ordinary people because it apply anytime and anywhere...not showing other people that i have a problem and never a stressor to other people because i am the person that frankly say the truth to the person that i hate most..and i also a happy ang funny person.. that's all... :))
.....GOOD DAY...!!!!
Monica Ibarrola
betty neuman
system model in nursing practice
"health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client."
you must be healthy in physical, physiological, psychological, mental, social, cultural, developmental and spiritual well-being.
wellness exists when all the part or system of person works harmoniously.
if it's not harmoniously balance it means that you are not healthy person..
emmalyn acomular
After I read this article, I leaned a lot of things about Betty Neuman.
Rural Ohio, the land growing up of Betty Neuman, where she developed her humanity and kindheartedness for people in times of need. She impressed me because of her great contributions in nursing. Her "System Model in Nursing Practice" explained the concept of a whole person and an open system approach.
And I was amazed to her because she attended the UCLA on where this school is a top five most outstanding nusing school in the world.
Thank you so much mam for posting this article and I hope that it will help me to have a chance to pass this major subject, I will do my best mam,thank you for you effort mam on this blog site.
God Bless po.
Zarah Jane A. Gaanan
Betty Neuman's systems model is very useful in the field of medicine, specially ifor us, nursing students as begenners. She emphasizes on how to take care of a patient in a systematic way. I can also relate myself in her words that health condition of any part of the body affects the patient as a whole. It recognizes the reality. It is also inspiring to know that she've studied for a long time to be able to act and stand onher profession accurately.
Thessa Marie Bugtong
Betty Neuman's systems model is very useful in the field of medicine, specially ifor us, nursing students as begenners. She emphasizes on how to take care of a patient in a systematic way. I can also relate myself in her words that health condition of any part of the body affects the patient as a whole. It recognizes the reality. It is also inspiring to know that she've studied for a long time to be able to act and stand onher profession accurately.
Thessa Marie Bugtong
Betty Neuman is also a well-known theorist and a very honorable one. She also shared her acquired knowledge through her writings and teachings. Neuman's Theory is another great contribution on the field of Nursing. It shows and states the relationship of one part to its whole. It shows that every part of the body affects it as a whole. It also states that there must be an explanation given to the patient related to their condition.
Mary Honeylette P. de SEna
Neumans Model is system model in nursing practice,which in her model we must be very smeled person and the patient must fell that they will fell confortable with us even we had a lots of problem, and if we have concern wiht them we must not show to them that were problematic which affect their wellness. We must always show a good atittude with them according to her theory, that was really, when my mother shows that she had a problem i also feels that i had a probem to. So we must relly shows any problem which affect patient.
Thats all... Thak you 4 reading, :)
JaypeeT Sidon
Betty Neuman's model is very significant because this system theory is used in variety of disciplines,focuses on interrelationships between the subsystems.This neuman model pictures patients as being at the center of the system,where they are influenced by physiological,psychological, social,environmental variables.Thanks to neuman because by the help of her system model nurses can improve the health and the welfare of patients by manipulating the variables which impact upon them.
Thank you mam Danela Oloresisimo for your well define discussion that helps me a lot to more emphasize the topics about betty neuman...,Zaide,Laurice A. (BSN 1-F)
Good afternoon!!
As I read this article she believes that nursing recquires a holistic approach that consider all the factor that may affects the client health,physical,physiological,psychological,mental.,social.,cultural.,developmental.,and spiritual.,well being she also believes her model is both concept and process relevant as directive toward nursing any health care activities in challenging 21st century...
She is a very supportive and loving wife to her husband she established her medical practice....
Ma'am tnx for this article cause it enlighten my world...
winston m. polecina
Betty Neuman is one of the most important person in the field of nursing.She was an incredible and very intelligent person. Her theory of System Model in Nursing Practice Helps a lot to every nurses and patients . This or her theory focuses on the the body as a whole system. Having this kind of theory helps the nurses to practice on their skills and also helps the patients to profit. And also it is very applicable to the field of nursing.
Thanks to Betty Neuman....
The state of well being is emphasized.
Mara Vannessa S. Silvino
Betty Neuman explains that health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client.Her theory, the System Model in Nursing Practice substancially contributes as the nursing process; the assessment, nursing diagnosis, intervention, and evaluation. It can be specifically applied for the illness prevention regarding the client's health.
Mam Danela,Thank you far giving us information and for more ideas on how to be a good nurse...
Navarretto,Cherry Rose S.
Betty Neuman explains that health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client.Her theory, the System Model in Nursing Practice substancially contributes as the nursing process;the assessment, nursing diagnosis, intervention and evaluation.It can be specifically applied in the illness prevention regarding on the wellness of the client's health.
Ma'am thank you for giving us information and for giving us idea on how to be a good nurse...
Navarretto,Cherry Rose S.
good afternoon ma'am oloresisimo
After i read the life of mrs. Betty Neuman(sytem model in nursing practice)she is a good example to the poor student who want to be a nurse because her father was a farmer and her mother was a homemaker but she study hard for her dream so she became a good nurse, Betty Neuman gave us idea on how to give importance on caring of the patient,she is very supporting wife to her husband,and she is very intelligent and loving wife and a ggod mother.
Thank you ma'am for every thing and also for giving many information that we need to know THANK YOU... GOD BLESS AND TAKE CARE...
betty beuman is said to be a lover for her land and compassion to people in they need help.
She is a responsible one who had been worked in variety of different nursing roles.
In her theory she discussed about the stressors of different person on how he/she will avoid the stressors.
She has a great influence in nursing profession... She is a inspiration and the example of being a nurse..
and thanks mam for the journals..
Gud eve and God Bless...
Betty Neuman gave a lot of contribution in the field of nursing,.Her theory focuses on the persons whole system and open system. She said that our body has five aspects and if one of this is missing ,the nurse should provide the needs in order for the patient to be complete.. the nurse is responsible in taking care of her patients. System model is very useful in nursing practice for it gave way in improving our quality of caring.Her theory will serve as our guide and we should apply it in our everyday lives.
Betty neuman was very dedicated to her nursing career, she studied in different schools just to prove and continue her theory. Her theory is very applicable to everyone even me, everyday there are many stressors coming in my life, in our house, above all in our school when my grades are getting lower that’s the time that I get so stress. That’s very stressful when you do everything but your grades are not worth it, but because of her theory I’ve learn how to handle it, how to handle stress and many stressors.
Honie Jhoie C Flores.
Betty neuman was very dedicated to her nursing career, she studied in different schools just to prove and continue her theory. Her theory is very applicable to everyone even me, everyday there are many stressors coming in my life, in our house, above all in our school when my grades are getting lower that’s the time that I get so stress. That’s very stressful when you do everything but your grades are not worth it, but because of her theory I’ve learn how to handle it, how to handle stress and many stressors.
Honie Jhoie C Flores.
Betty Neuman's Systems Model is another important theory to nursing because it emphasizes caring for the patient by examining the whole aspects of his/her health rather than just looking at the different aspects of the patient independently.
Glenn Mark C.Alejandre
BSn 1C
The honors and awards that Betty Neuman received was just a proof that she really made a great contribution in the field of nursing through the use of her theory. Based on the journal, it is really a great help to the nurses and future nurses because of the flexibility and a adaptability of her model on a wide range of groups or situation.
The significance of her theory in the nursing field is undeniable because her theory influences a lot for over two decades which was being used as a teaching tool and later a conceptual model that is use to observe and interpret a phenomena of nursing and health-care globally.And her theory is applicable on the different fields of nursing.
Jennylou Jardiniano
Because of Betty Neuman's System Model, new approach are applied in nursing practice. Her model's holistic approach are widely applicable in addressing the problem in different practice settings and to clients health condition facing complex stressors. I've learned from her that in able to achieve wellness of an individual we should identify the stressors and think an appropriate actions to solved the produced problem or simply fight the stressors or stay away from it.
The Betty Neuman theory and concepts about the System Model in Nursing Practice have given us the great contribution on the way we should learn the proper care and wellness of every patient. This corresponds not only on the health condition of the patient but to his/her whole body system such as the wellness of physical, mental, sociological, spiritual, emotional aspect as a human being. Those guidelines that she made have a great purpose to every nurse to learn and adapt the concept in fulfilling the good health inside and outside our system. A great achiever and well known woman who influenced us in taking care of the patients. A very useful system that served as a key to be more resourceful towards the health care of our patients.
Jewell R. Villadiego
The Global Applications of the Systems Model provides as the key aspect on how the responsibility of a nurse must be taken to our patients. It analyzes the major concerns of a patient. The nurse should be fully equipped enough to understand and improve the practice in healthcare. Those applications should take part in everyday of our lives. It corresponds to the system of every individual on how they should act about the wellness of our health to our environment. A starting tool to accommodate the future changes in the health care delivery. Learning those applications made me more willing to observe and be prepared in the future specially in conducting the health care activities. A goal for a nursing to assist individuals and communities to achieve the proper wellness of our body system and its stability towards to our environment.
Jewell R. Villadiego
Betty Neuman; a writer, an instructor, a researcher, and a nurse.
She is a person who asserted that caring is one of the most important thing that a nurse can give to his patient.
She made the SYSTEMS MODELwhich has a great application not only in the nursing practice, but also in education and research.
Her theory functions globally, it helps the nurse to use the nursing process which helps a lot in the assessment6 of the patient.
Through her theory, I as a student of Nursing can apply it anywhere during my duty to any person.
I greatly appreciate the works of Betty Neuman.
Rostum Harold B. Serrano
Neuman is such an intelligent women and a good wife to her husband. Even her parents are farmer and a homemaker she try her best to finished her studying. And she completed her Nursing Education with double honors. And because of being intelligent worked in a variety of Nursing Roles such as Hospital staff, head nurse, school nurse and industrial nurse.
The role of her theory is to help the person to be easily adapt with environmental stimuli causing illnesses back to wellness.
And that's all..Thanks ma'am Dani for another interesting theorist.
I'm so glad to know that Betty Neuman has a love life unlike the other theorists. From her, I have gained the word "stressors" which I never failed to use in my everyday activities.
It's so sad to know that she died last year. I was really hoping that I can meet her in person to personally congratulate her for being one of the nursing theorists.
hi ma'am..good evening..
Betty Neuman..the theorist who created the Neuman System Model..her model was so great and it helps us student nurses for the proper caring for the patients. For us beginners, we should know how to use the nursing process properly in order for the patient to attain health. In this theory, now we know what are the meanings of the different medical terms. Her theory helps the nurses to be responsible of the social, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional state of the patients..'am Dani..thanks for the enjoyable discussion you've done to us..and for this journal you have posted..=)
Kristine Ramos
BSN 1e
Betty Neuman and her system model.
“the body is more than the sum of its parts”
She has many achievements.i can say that she is an intelligent person.Her contribution in nursing is very helpful .her theory gives a lot information in nursing profession.As a wife,she is very supportive.Neuman is also inspiring person like other theorists that maam tackled to us.she has a great influence in nursing.
System Model
Her theory incorporated the concept of a whole person and an open system approach.The concept is aimed towards the development of a person in a state of wellness having the capacity to function optimally.her theory provides guidelines for a professional nurse to have an precise assessment.her theory is applicable at the present.
Thank you!
Carmina villareal bsn1e
Like other theorist, Betty Neuman also gave her remarkable contribution in the nursing profession.Her system model is being used in different practice settings until now like guiding the clients with cgnitive impairment,meeting family needs,providing stable supports and etc.Her systematic nursing care provide appropriate and responsible caring for the patient that will surely satisfy them.
We can also see the totality of one's person in her model.The stress prevention also helps a lot for us to be able to avoid too much tension that will affect us.
In her personal life,I was amazed when I heard that she was serving in the nursing world with her husband not unlike other theorists.
Jimary D. sulibit
betty neuman came from a simple but loving family..she is unlike the other theorists who were fortunately lived a life of luxury...she proved to us that success comes to those who knows how to handle life's ups and downs... she even conquered UCLA, one pf the best performing schools in the world..
she also managed to balance her time for her husband and her profession, she sure knows how to make use of her time..she has also successfully formulated the systems model for nursing practice... im very proud of her accomplishments in life..
her systems model is very applicable in different setting because it focuses on the holistic approuch of the nurse to the patients. it doesnt only attend to the physical needs of the client but as well as to the other aspects of human being. it also stated the varios kinds of prevention used by an individual to successfully cope with his environment. neuman belives that a person is greatly influenced by his surroundings, and he has tha ability to overcome the stressors that produce tension.
with proper application of this theory, nursing intervention will surely treat patients in a short span of time.
great job..!!!
blossom mae quinto
bsn-iG.. ^^.
systems theory and betty newman
based on what i've read, newman's really a great nurse. she graduated with honors and her school is one of the best school in the world. she received numerous awards that made her an achiever.
her systems model in nursing practice includes client variables, lines of resistance, normal line of defense, flexible line of defensem stressors, reaction and prevention.
her theory have generality,empirical precission and derivable consequences but in simplicity, critiques have diffrent opinion. some says it's simple but others are not.
thankyou for posting this the blog mam.:))
her thoery is a great help in the nursing practice.It serves as a guide to the nursing practitioners and students.
Jude Karla B.Tanyag
Her theory the System Model in Nursing Practice helps the reader to understand how a person can develop his state wellness. She explains that a nurse have a big part on her theory because with the use of nurse, the nurse will help a person on how to adapt those stimuli that caused illness and how person back to a state of wellness in short reconstitution. Neuman believe that nursing requires a holistic approach. Based on the journal, it only includes that the system of Neuman is widely used in different nursing practices and education. It was adopted by different countries and different readers to perform.
Liezel D. Gallardo
“Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts
are in harmony with the whole of the client.”Neuman stated.
With his statement,We can see that Neuman's main focus is health.
Betty Neuman's theory main concept is to aimed towards to the development of a person's a nurse with the main role of caring we should help patients adapt to environment stimuli causing them a nurse we should follow her system help us improve the nursing care to our patients..with her systems model,we learned that there are three levels of prevention which is used to attain balance the health.and prevention is one factor to maintain the health of our patient which is our goal.
-Karen Rochelle A. Gajitos
Betty Neuman is someone to be proud of, because of her numerous achievement and with her remarkable contribution in the nursing practice. Her “Systems Model” is a unique, systems-based perspective that provides a unifying focus for approaching a wide range of nursing concerns. It is a comprehensive guide for nursing practice, research, education, and administration that is open to creative implementation. It has the potential for unifying various health-related theories, clarifying the relationships of variables in nursing care and role definitions at various levels of nursing practice. The multidimensionality and holistic systemic perspective of the Neuman Systems Model is increasingly demonstrating its relevance and reliability in a wide variety of clinical and educational settings throughout the world.
hi ma'am
i just wanna say is Betty Newman is very genius because she believe that nursing must have holistic approach which affects in clients healths like physical, physiological,mental, social, cultural, developmental, and also the spiritual well being which is really true because i really sure that is very applicable in nursing profession like the patients who needs someone to help her problem,so as a nurse i must approach him with respect. and because of that it can also accommodate the future changes in terms of health practice..
and thank you mam for inspiring me to become successful nurse because when you are saying your experience in hospital
Jim V. Peñaflorida
Well, I may say that Betty Neuman is a great nursing theorist that gave a big impact and a big change in the nursing profession.
But honestly in all the works of theorist that I encountered, Betty Neuman's System Model is the most difficult to understand and the most difficult to study. It isdifficult for me because it used difficult terminologies such us normal line of defense and flexible line of defense.
Unlike the environmental theory, psychodynamic in nursing theory and other which I understood and enjoyed most.
But thanks for the SYSTEM MODEL because it helps nurses to assess and cure their patients in a systematic process.............
Gudeve Mam
Betty neuman's theory is really helpful in nursing, for she gave importance in caring to our patient and how different factors affect an individual.She believes that wellness exists when all the parts and system of the person works harmoniously.With her system theory we can give care to our patient systematically that gives relevant result to the health of the patient.Her contributions really helps a lot in nursing.
Mam Dani, thank you for another information you've share..
Godbless c:
i'm not wondering anymore why neuman became a theorist.she was a dedicated to her works.
frankly speaking,now i know the word "stressor" which neuman impart to my life.
if a nurse is stress,don't show it to your patient because it can affect in the condition of the patient.
systems model of neuman shows the totality and wellness of a person.
it provides guideline for us especially in the nurses.
good eve mam oloresisimo,God bless po.
berna lyca a. flores
..-gud eve mam..
Betty Neuman is one of a great theorist that her theory was so useful to us. Her System Model theory should possessed of every nurse to be able to communicate with their patients to have a fast recovery of the patients. Her theory does not only focus in pHysical aspect but also in mental,emotional and spiritual well being. It give us skills not only in our profession but also to help others and how can we apply it..
Betty Neuman,she was a great person because not just having the System Model but also because her achievements were she received at University of California at Los Angeles.
About the theory she emphasize on treating the patient the right way, understand, and give importance to them
Leovelyn Racelis
Betty Neuman, System Model,is a useful one.... it stated that the focus of giving care to the patient was not just on the physical pain that the patient fell but also in the field of mental, social, physiological, and even psychological.....
She is different from the other theories that we have discussed before starting from Nightingale because she has a husband.... and as i wish she could still share her knowledge specially to the nursing field.... She still alive as of now at age of 84....
Her theory is a helpful for our everyday living....
For me she deserved to be an awardees and an achiever....
Good Day
Eva Merlyn V. Tagle
"Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole od the client," -Betty Neuman
Betty Neuman formulated the Systems Model.
her theory is very applicable in nursing profession...and also in our daily living...
thanks to betty neuman in formulating a theory like this...
it will really help nurses in helping the patients..
gud dve ma'am...
MAria Princess A.Fajardo
Betty Neuman is an achiever. She received several awards were her works have been acknowledge. she is the only one nursing theorist I know that have a colorful lovelife.
Systems Model in nursing practice states that wellness exists when all the part or system of person works harmoniously. that explains the idea that when you have a toothache it seems that every part of your body are also in pain.
Betty Neuman describes the person as an open system and she gives importance on rendering care for the patients.She also describe stress as a factor that affects the healyh of the patient...
Her theory is unified and holistic in approach because it can be used in the different health care settins which tends yo help the patuients to recover easily.
thank you ma'am..
Maria Zyra Bernadette S. Blanco
In forsooth that the often cited stress is communicable.
Betty Neuman has incorporated a model which concerns the wholeness and individuality of a person experiencing types of stressors- the Systems Model.
The significant contributions made to improve the nursing profession reverberate on giving an emphasis on a person who is an creditted as an open system.
Holistic approach and efficacious nursing interventions make alleviations in the case of people in distress.
Thank you Ma'am Oloresisimo.
Kenneth E. Nolo
The Neuman Systems Model was originally developed in 1970 at the University of California, Los Angeles, by Betty Neuman, Ph.D., RN. The model was developed by Dr. Neuman as a way to teach an introductory nursing course to nursing students. The goal of the model was to provide a wholistic overview of the physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of human beings. After a two-year evaluation of the model, it was published in Nursing Research (Neuman & Young, 1972).
Betty Neuman, one of the theorist who states that "Health is a condition which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client." Her theory focuses or give emphasize on the holistic approach.There are also some terms and definition in her theory like client variable which funtion to achieve stability to the environmental stressors experience by the client; lines of resistance which act to facilitate coping to overcome the stressors that are present within the individual; the normal lines of defense; flexible lines of defense; stressors; reaction; prevention which has three levels namely the primary prevention, secondary prevention and the tertiary prevention; and reconstitution..Her theory give help especially on the nursing education and nursing practice..
Thank you ma'am oloresisimo for sharing to us your knowledge about the life and theory of Betty Neuman..
marianne april d. alvasan
good evening mam!
through my readings,Betty Neuman conceptualized the System Model in Nursing Practice. I was so inspired in her because even she is a poor person, she continue studying and she is a very great example of an achiever. I agreed with her that the environment is the stressor because all on what is in the environment is stressor.
Betty Neuman,as a nursing theorist gives contribution in the nursing profession.her "system's theory" has a great help in the field of nursing today. she was born in ohio, and her husband is a doctor. she graduated at the university of california at los angeles,the top 5 nursing university in the world.and ta present,she lives in ohio and maintains a leadership role in the neuman systems model trustees group inc. she serves as a consultant internationally for nursing schools theory-based practice.
her systems model focus on individual care,her theory incorporated the concept of a whole person and an open system guide model to enhance the nursing care of clients with specific physiological stressors. her theory is applicable in nursing and a big help today. thank you to betty neuman.
thank you ma'am.....
Sheena Marie A. Estrada
Betty Neuman,"What a great theorist".. She conceptualized the System Model in nursing care..
As I have read her model, it inspires me because it gave me an idea on how to be a good nurse, on how to take good care of the patient...
Again!! That's all thank you!!!
Abegail Manalo
Neuman focus to the importance of caring the patients by giving the needs and those things that can improve the health of the patient,
the nurses are responsible to the patients health.
Betty Neuman defined human beings as an open system.she sees person as a whole.her system model includes;client variables,lines of resistance,normal line of defense,flexible line of defense,stressors,reaction,prevention,and reconstitution.
her theory helps nurses and other health professionals in better caring of the patient.
maverick chris sandra b. ibarrola bsn1c
Good evening Ms. Danela,
I just want to give my reaction about Betty Neuman systems Model.
Betty Neuman is the one who contributed the
Goal-directed,integrated and holistic approach to client care.
...She also formulated a Nursing Process Format, such as the Nursing Diagnosis,Nursing Goals and Nursing outcomes which is now applicable in any healthcare settings.
In her Systems Model, it compose of Client Variables, Lines of resistance, Normal line of defense, Flexible Line of Defense, stressors, Reaction, Prevention and Reconstitution.
In my daily living there are always stressors,one example is the person I hate most and
offcourse there is a reaction regarding to stressors, but still there is a prevention to avoid stressors.
In Journal Reading, Betty Neuman Systems Model has been widely used. The third edition of her book is the application to nursing education,practice, administrationand research.
I am admired,because there are so many school at Nursing in the United States that chose Betty Neuman's System Model as their curriculum framework,and also used in diverse practice settins.
Thank you for this article
Ms. Danela...
Tina Mariz O. Marco
Good Evening ma'am...
Betty Neuman is a good and smart person. She is a good model of a nurse. She is an achiever and loving person.
The System Model in Nursing Practice of Betty Neuman is very useful in nursing especially in caring patients. Betty Neuman's model focuses on the person as a complete system, the subparts of which are interrelated physiological, psychological, sociocultural, spiritual, and developmental factors.
The Neuman Systems Model in Nursing Practice is a unique, systems-based perspective that provides a unifying focus for approaching a wide range of nursing concerns. It is a comprehensive guide for nursing practice, research, and education.
Betty Neuman systems model is based on the individual's relationship to stress, the reaction to it, and reconstitution factors that are dynamic in nature.
It help us to to prevent and control our balance within the continuum of health. To achieve the level of wellness.
Thanks and God Bless ma'am...
Kay Ann Margaret L. Capucion
Good evening ma'am
Betty Neuman (System Model)
Neuman's theory is indeed a very useful theory to everyone because of her i learned that the main role of the nurses is to help a patient to adapt with the environment stimuli causing illness back to a start of wellness.And i hope that i could apply this theory in the future.....TNX poh
Betty Neuman gave rise to what we might say another revolutionary approach in the field of nursing healthcare
with her implications and studies in this field, new medical amplications emerged
Larvene R. Trillana
as i read the article about Betty Neuman, i can say that her theory is a very applicable one in dealing with nursing students in handling such things in life. she showed that her concept of her theory helps as a whole. she showed stressor as one of the problem that affects us,but we can prevent it,and should control it to achieve wellness and have a balance in some aspect as a whole.
aireen calimutan
“Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts
are in harmony with the whole of the client.”
It is just the same as Max Wertheimer "The whole is the sum of its part." Which Neuman believes that the if one part of the body is disabled or experiencing disfunction he/she is not healthy.
Neuman also includes the wholistic approach to the patient. Whereas, she used her own word wholistic as refer to the wholeness approach to the patient.
After i read the life story of Neuman, I can't imagine her being in the profession because of that her father is a farmer and her mother is a homemaker. Wow,!She is really one of a kind. I wish that her life suspense should also include in the life story, so that we can imagine how her life goes on nad how she survived. She greatly influenced students who wants to go to school, inspite of the status they have. It reminds me of the story that i have heard about a college student who use to budget her 200 pesos of allowance a week.
By the way, This comment for Neuman is more on her life story not particularly on the theory, but i have cited also the system model in this comment.
Now signing off:
Betty Neuman's System Model makes use of physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspect of nursing. It broadened my knowledge about prevention on illnesses. The theory also explains that the stress is communicable and needs advice.Now I learned to cope from stress.
Godbless ma'am and thank you for sharing this article...
Paul Kevin D. Aguas
Betty Neuman's system model proposes the concept of a whole person and an open system approach. Her theory is applicable to nursing practice because it considers all factors affecting the client's health.
With the help of this theory,I know that we can overcome different stressors as long as we know how to deal with it.
ma'am,thank you for sharing your experiences,i really enjoy our discussion.Thank you!
Betty Neuman's system model proposes the concept of a whole person and an open system approach. Her theory is applicable to nursing practice because it considers all factors affecting the client's health.
With the help of this theory,I know that we can overcome different stressors as long as we know how to deal with it.
ma'am,thank you for sharing your experiences,i really enjoy our discussion.Thank you!
Betty Neuman is admirable. She is very intelligent, an achiever and extremely outstanding.
Her theory, the Systems model is very applicable and useful. It is universal and functions perfectly to all.
Betty Neuman's theory is very helpful in understanding such functions and processes as the body's line of defense and the preventions and most of the other theorists,she isn't focused on the physical aspect of the patient.
It is simple and easy for us to understand,but it might be true that people without any background on our field may find difficulty understanding it because of the use of some unfamiliar terms.
As for her life,it seems very uncommon for our theorists to have a partner.this may mean she can manage her time better that the others because the quality of her works is not affected by it.
-lyka athena rose c. uy bsn-ie
Betty Neuman...she had been a big part of the history and foundation of a great and well improve nursing care. I'm sure that this article will inspire other nursing students,... It is not only applicable to nursing care but also on our daily living,.. on how can we able to adapt to our world.
thanks for another inspiring article. have anyc day ma'am.
Betty Neuman and her Systems Model. her theory is about working in harmony. We all need each other to attain unity and success. Same in the nurse-patient relationship. The patient and the nurse should both be functioning properly giving feedbacks with each other to attain their goal which is to get out of illness. Also Neuman stressed out that nurses as well as we student nurses should avoid to be the source of stress or the stressor. Stress is communicable it is contagious. We should thank her because additional knowledge is added to us.
-Beverly C. Hill
I idolized Betty Neuman. She is not only a great theoris but also a very supportive and loving wife becaused she helped to establish and manage the medical practice of her husband.
In her theory of system model in Nursing Practice, she contributed the holistic approach which very important in the nursing practice.
The system's model in practice, the line of resistance, the stressors, the normal and flexible line of defense, the prevention and its 3 levels, the reconstitution and so on, is also applicable to the nursing practice. Same to the other theorist Betty Neuman's theory add enhancement on better understanding the patients situation.
Fernan T. Enriquez
A Pleasant morning Maam Oloresisimo..
Betty Neuman her contribution in the nursing profession was the theory of system model.
System Model provides an Holistic approach to nursing care and it serves as a guide to attain the goal of wellness.The system model consists of the nursing processes,the assessment,nursing diagnosis,goal of care,implementation and evaluation.
.thank you maam.
Betty Neuman is one of the important personality in the nursing profession.For her a person is a whole.She formulated the system model that contributed important factors in nursing practice.Neuman believes that caring for the patient is a holistic approach.
Her system model can help and can be used by nurses and related profession.
Jailine S. Elpa
a great theorist was tackled up again and she was Betty Neuman with her System Model. Her theory can help a lot in nursing practice because it shows the systematized nursing care which we can apply in every patient we encounter. And it is important because it also showed on how we can deal with our environment. Her theory is clearly stated and it is general for we can apply it in our daily living.
thank you ma'am for p0sting these articles. very much appreciated. =)
Betty Neuman is different to the other theorist she have her love life and unlike to the other theorist she has only an ordinary life .She is really a great theorist,she did not only focuses on the physical aspect of the human but also to the mental,social,spiritual,psychological,cultural, and physiological aspect of human.She gave more importance of how we are going to avoid stressor and not to become stressor to other.Her theory is really applicable to nursing profession.It will help many people of how they're going to handle their problems which can affect their health.
After reading this article, I understand more the theory of Betty neuman and it help me identify what is the difference of this theory in some other theory. And she gave me an idea on how to give importance in giving care to other people.Her theory focuses in the system of our body that if the one part of our body can't function well, we are not heathy.I learn so many things in this article.
Gener, Winfrey Mae O.
Betty Neuman life before is so simple and she made it a complicated one. Unlike the discussed life story of previous theorists, Neuman is the only theorist who has a family unlike others. But still, she became dedicated to her profession as nurse, and at the same time as a mother and a wife. This show that not only a single, devoted nurse can be theorist but also the dedicated nurse can be, though has a husband and children.
Betty Neuman’s System Model in Nursing Practice is advantage such a very pretty own way of Neuman. This theory is very applicable for those who have a mental and physical health problem. This is very essential to a family, community and person itself.
My personal comment for her theory is this theory System model theory is very adaptable for the nurses.
Betty Neuman, like the other theorist was also a great nurse, for she developed her explicit in teaching and practice model for mental health consultation, that help as understand nursing variables which identify problem and prevention for the patients to develop ones state of wellness to have the capacity to function optimally by adaptation with environmental stimuli to be healthy individual again.
good day.
one of the m4tant things to know is the person's system that made her to conduct this theory.
i just wondering, isn't this theory is an axiom? well, anyway, she widens our mind about the system flow of an individual. its not just a contribution to nursing, but in the field of psychology evenmore.
she was the first nursing theorist who have a husband as well as children.her compassion for peoplein need in a rural place where she grew up was a great influence on her.she always been interested in the human behavior,that's why she got her idea of homeostasis process in the gestalt theory wherein a saying "the whole is more than the sum of its part" is dominant. i guess she had an awe-inspiring life with her husband and children because she is a supportive and loving wife and mother to them...
according to Neuman's theory, nurses should require a holistic approach to contemplate all factors affecting client's health. in order for the clients to be in wellness and be in harmonious condition in all parts of their system and cope with the stressors that produce alteration in the normality of the environment..
her system model has been widely used in nursing education, practice, administration, and research. being highly promoted in education brings great application in practice. in education, her theory serves as facilitator for cultural programs, provides nursing focus, includes the concept of clients as holistic beings, and broad to allow educational programs to consider family as the context. it serves as the guide for practice with clients with cognitive impairment, meeting family needs of clients in critical care. it was also used diverse nursing administration settings which include community nursing center, psychiatric hospital, care retirement community, and public health nursing. her theory has so many uses and so, it is undeniably glo9baly applicable...
that's all ma'am...
good day!!!!
Jennyvee Lumagui
Betty Neuman's concepts in her System Model seems focused in the existence of the stressors.If we would be able to limit the interaction of the patient to the stressors,we would be able to cure the patient.Of course we as a nurse must teach the patient of how to prevent the patient from being affected by stressors and prevention is included in Neuman's theory.It is also our responsible in maintaining the social,emotional,spiritual,physical and mental health of the patient.
I can say that Betty Neuman is really a great theorist.
Alvin Vera BSN-1C
Betty Neuman is another nursing theorist that can be considerd as the most fulfilled nursing theoriest.She had a loving husband and she established a lot in the nursing profession.
Her theory "system models" focuses on the person as a complete system, where the subparts of the body cooperate with the whole personality and health of the client.It is very important in the nursing profession because it improves nursing profession as it is being widely used in different practice setting. It also provides important guidelines for assessment of the client system, utilization of the nursing process and implementation of preventive intervention.
She is really an achiever and a great person.
Betty Neuman, one of the theorists who share her life with a family to care of and a profession to be devoted on. We all know that nursing is a very hard task wherein time is difficult to consume. And I am amazed that she also had time for her family and did her two roles harmoniously.
About her theory, it makes nursing profession in ease by contributing the holistic approach to the patients. Because of this, patients and nurses build trust on each other that is a great factor on the recovery of the patients.
Betty Neuman is the first theorist that was discussed who have a married life. She received many honors and awards, and up to now, she is still living. She had a happy childhood and she has an awesome life.
(about her theory)
“Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts
are in harmony with the whole of the client.”
(Betty Neuman)
Her theory focuses in the system of our body that if the one part of our body can't function well, the remaining parts is also affected. It provides important guidelines for assessment of the client system. Her theory contributed a lot in nursing profession.
-monique g. oracion
-bsn 1f
Betty Neuman life was very close or near to perfect. She is intelligent, she had a family and she had received many awards. I really admire her. She is considered as one of the fulfilled nurse.
"Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the clients"
-Betty Neuman
Her theory "system models" focuses on the person as a complete system, where the subparts of the body cooperate with the whole personality and health of the client. Her theory has a great contribution to nursing profession and we can apply in all settings. Her theory also helps to improve the nursing profession.
Maryjane A. Jarapa
I think Betty Neuman is unique because she is the first theorist that was discussed who have a married life ...
Nueman theory focuses in the system of our body for example if one part of our body can't function the remaining parts is also affected.
her theory is also important in the nursing profession because it improves nursing profession as it is being widely used in different practice setting... so I admire her SYSTEM MODEL IN NURSING PRACTICE..
Betty Neuman, is not just a typical woman for she is an extraordinary one because her conribution, the Systems Model greatly influenced the field of nursing which is being applied in all over the world. And, It also helps on the improvement of the nursing profession.
Angenite T. Oabel
According to Neuman, Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts
are in harmony with the whole of the client., She focus not only on physical aspects of a person but as a whole...
She made a great contribution to nursing practice which gave way to the continuous improvement of nursing field,..
Her theory serves as our guide to have a quality care to our patients,,,
thankz mam for the continuous knowledge that you give us...
>katherine d. ibarrola
Systems Model by Betty Neuman contributed a lot in the nursing community. She explained the Systems model that includes important ideas that can help in giving health care to the patient and how the nurse can make them well.
I learned that showing stressfulness to patient can affect their recovery and i also realized that prevention is truly better than cure.
thanks ma'am. :)
Danna Rizza C. Suza
betty neuman..
Betty Neuman, System Model,is a useful one..
through her nursing process; students, nurse and other health professionals will be able to do an appropriate and sytematic nursing care to their patient which gives a relevant result in health conditions of one person..
eunice morales
bsn 1-b
betty neuman conceptualized the theory of system model in nursing practice. she is a loving wife and a supportive one.betty neuman differentiate physical to psysiological even we think that it is just only the same because acoording to her physical means is just only the part but psysiological means its function. from what ive learned the person is healthy if the whole parts of her body is functioning, yes is true because even you have a complete parts of the body but there are some which are not funtioning we can say that there is a problem. right?.so person as an open system that works together with other parts of its body as it interact with the environment.
I beleive in Betty Neuman;s concept that ...“Health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client.”
At first, I can't understand what she stated but after reading the theory in this blogsite, it came to me that this is true. I, myself, often experience this. One time, I have cold. It's just a simple cold and yet i feel tired and teary and i just want to rest. But the only affected area is my nose but i feel weak all over. It might be funny for some, but i think every body part that i have began to weaken. Before, i don't know if this is just psychological (i really hate having colds) but learning NEuman's theory, i think it is somehow connected!
I learned that being a nurse, I should not underestimate if the patient feels weak about an affected body part. I should consider her statements and find ways by using Neuman's level of prevention.
Krisha Katrina Lopez BSN I-E
Betty Neuman is the theorist of the system model.She view a person as a complete system were the subparts of the body cooperate with the whole personality and health of the client.
Her goal is the holistic overview of physiological, psychological, sociocultural, and developmental aspects of human beings for her theory.
Thanks Ma'am...
Giselle Yesiree Rodriguez
According to Betty Neuman ''health is a condition in which all parts and subparts are in harmony with the whole of the client.'' It means that each parts of our body are dependent to one another. Her theory is only applicable to the persons who can understand the health of a person. Her systems model in nursing practice helps a lot to cope up with the illness from the client variable up to the time of adjustment or reconstitution.
Estrabo, Frenzy Owen B.
betty neuman propose the Systems model theory. in her theory he said that the sum of the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
this shows that the focus of nursing care is on the whole of the patient and not only on a part of it.
in her theory she discussed that health is affected by 8 factors such as physical,physiological.psychological,mental,social,cultural,and spiritual well being.
this factors affect our health and in her theory it is well discussed
Regine N. Rivadinera BSN-1B
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